75, 80, 81 and 86 Worsley temporary footpath closure

Salford City Council intends to make in no less than seven days the Salford City Council (75, 80, 81 and 86 Worsley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2021 under section 14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The Order will temporarily prohibit pedestrians from using:

  1. Definitive footpath (W75), Worsley from Broadway in a northerly then south easterly then northly direction to a point fronting the public footpath fronting the northly pond. Diversions will be signed via Broadway, Rutland Road and footpath off to Parr Fold Park.
  2. Definitive footpath (W80), Worsley from the footway fronting the A580 East Lancashire Road in a northerly direction to the definitive footpath known as (Broadway). Diversions will be signed via (1) The A580 East Lancashire Road and definitive footpath (W165) or (2) The A580 East Lancashire, the footpath known as (The off link to Ellenbrook Crescent and definitive footpath (W80), or (3) Broadway then Kingsway.
  3. Definitive footpaths (W81 and W86), Worsley from the A580 East Lancashire Road to the A572 Leigh Road. Diversions will be signed via the A580 East Lancashire Road, the A575 Walkden Road and the A572 Leigh Road except for access via definitive footpath (W84), Worsley to a point where definitive footpaths (W81 and W86) are closed.

The Order is necessary for essential to enable upgrades to the cycle and walking routes. If all necessary works of repair and reconstruction are completed within a shorter period, this Order shall cease to have effect at the end of that shorter period. The order is due to come into operation on the 2 May 2021 and will last for a period of 12 months. A plan showing the area affected by the Order may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday (due to the COVID-19 restrictions, please ensure that the Civic Centre is open before attending). Alternatively, copies of the documentation may be viewed at Unity House, Swinton, Manchester M27 5FJ. The plan will be displayed to the left of the main (and only public) entrance to the building, adjacent to the public car park at the Civic Centre. If you unable to attend in person copies of the documentation may be requested via the email phlegal@manchester.gov.uk or the postal address below STG/OUT1093/914 Peter Openshaw, Interim Strategic Director Place, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5DA

Dated: 15 April 2021

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