Travelling by bus

Bus travel is the most popular mode of travel using public transport, with approximately 80% of public transport journeys made by bus.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) has up-to-date timetables available for download, details on current service changes and a local bus stop finder. Information on tickets and passes is available through the TFGM website or by visiting a Travelshop.

The Salford network map shows bus routes and where stops are situated. The map is available in the downloadable documents section.

FirstGroup and Arriva operate a large number of services throughout Salford.

Shelter damage and problems can be reported to TFGM on 0161 244 1720 or

Concessionary passes

For concessionary passes contact the Passes and Permits office at TFGM on 0161 244 1050 or passes& For details on eligibility and how to apply please visit our page on concessionary bus passes.

Bus priority scheme

Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM), along with Wigan Council and Salford City Council, have improved the bus links between Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley and Manchester, through to the heart of the city centre.

Part of the improved bus route includes new bus lanes and improved junctions for bus users on the A580 East Lancashire Road, as well as a four and a half mile guided busway which will significantly reduce journey times between Atherton, Leigh, Tyldesley and Manchester.

Downloadable documents

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

Public transport

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