Ward profiles

The ward profiles provide an overview of demographic and other data at ward level, helping to identify the different characteristics of each part of the city and how they compare to Salford as a whole, Greater Manchester and England.

The profiles are based primarily on data from Census 2021, as this is the most recent and comprehensive source for much data at ward level, supplemented by other sources where appropriate.

The Home page provides links to the other pages, each of which focuses on a particular topic. You can return to the Home page by clicking the Home icon in the top-left of each of the other pages. You can also cycle through the pages in turn by using the arrows (< >) at the bottom, or click on the numbers between them to show a list of the pages from which one can be selected.

Use the selector on the left-hand side of each topic page to choose the ward for which data will be shown. The selected ward will remain the same as you move between pages, unless you use the selector to change it.

To see the data source used in each visual, and any additional notes where relevant, hover over the visual and then over the question mark icon that appears in its top left.

The data used in the ward profiles can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page. It can also be accessed directly from:

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This page was last updated on 14 March 2024