Salford Quays Inner Loop

Salford Quays is one of the most successful waterside regeneration projects in Europe and is seen as an attractive place to live, work and visit.

Salford City Council has been reviewing the outdoor public spaces at Salford Quays in response to findings from previous consultations – which indicate that people would like to see more green spaces, more variety of uses, better wayfinding, and a stronger emphasis on the heritage story of the area. The spaces designed for promenading are not always easy to follow and the expanses of hard landscaping can dominate.

As part of this thriving neighbourhood’s continuing development, and in support of the vision for the area outlined in Salford Quays 2030, there is an opportunity to change the layout and appearance of some of these outdoor spaces to support the wellbeing of local people and make the area more welcoming for visitors.

Two rows of trees standing tall as people walk between them, including person in long white dress

The ‘Inner Loop’

Salford City Council’s vision is to create a welcoming, interesting and attractive, circular ‘Inner Loop’ at Salford Quays, which showcases some of the Quays’ best features and provides interest for all. The continuous route would celebrate the open space, heritage and the waterside of Salford Quays, and encourage people to explore.

The ‘Inner Loop’ would enhance the existing open space at Salford Quays and create new spaces for local residents, workers and visitors to sit and have a coffee, to play along the waterfront and to experience nature. This new variety of activities for all age groups would be available in spaces with year-round greening and biodiversity, creating places to relax and connect with the water.

To deliver this creative vision for Salford Quays, the council has started to identify potential ‘priority areas’ for intervention within the proposed Inner Loop, which could involve greening and enhancing the public realm, rethinking how spaces are used, and improving wayfinding.

Development of detailed proposals will initially focus on five priority areas: The Lowry Terrace, Centenary Walk, The Watersports Terrace, Mariners Canal and Detroit Bridge. The council will work with local stakeholders – including residents, businesses and visitors – to seek their support in shaping and championing proposals to make the Inner Loop a reality.  

As a first step in that process, views are being sought on how to improve the area around Mariners Canal – a very popular and well-used location, as well as being on the doorstep of many local residents.

The consultation would like to explore any opportunities to enhance the overall appearance of Mariners Canal, by introducing softer landscaping to support biodiversity, as well as reviewing how people use the space, and find their way through the area.

Landscape design specialists Exterior Architecture are working with the council to develop a set of design proposals for Mariners Canal, and we want anyone with an interest in the Salford Quays area to help shape those plans.

Salford Quays Loop Map

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