How we use your information

The council will use your personal information for the purpose of delivering the service as requested by you by completing this form. Detailed information about how the council handles personal information is set out in the council's Primary Privacy Notice and Service Specific Privacy Notices which are accessible on our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) page.

Step 1 of 2

Location details

Urgent information – out of hours emergency

If there is an emergency after 4.30pm Monday to Friday or at the weekend please telephone our out of hours service on 0161 794 8888 for an immediate call out.

An emergency would include a tree being unstable, has fallen over or has a large branch hanging down and is causing a hazard in a public place, e.g. has fallen into the road.

Important information

We deal with problems with trees located in public areas such as on the highway, within parks or cemeteries.  To check to see if we will be able to help with your report please see our tree management policy (opens in a new window)

Trees located on private land fall under the responsibility of the property owner and are not dealt with by the city council.

Some trees are subject to Tree Preservation Orders and you will need permission before felling or pruning. Details of which trees are protected are on our Tree Preservation Orders (opens in a new window) page.

Ash Dieback alert

Due to increased presence of Ash Dieback in Salford, trees subjected to Ash Dieback will take priority before other trees, please write Ash Dieback in the details question below. Please consider how urgent your request is before proceeding. More information about Ash Dieback (opens in a new window).

Urgent information – out of hours emergency

If the park equipment has been damaged or vandalised and is now dangerous, we need to investigate immediately.  If you’re reporting this after 4.30 pm Monday to Friday or at the weekend please telephone our out of hours service on 0161 794 8888.

Important information

If you are reporting invasive weeds, for example Japanese Knotweed,  please read our Japanese Knotweed (opens in a new window) page first.

All abandoned shopping trollies should be reported to Trolley Wise for collection using the following link:

Please use the map to tell us where the problem is. You can search for a street or postcode in the top right corner of the map or simply drag the map and then click or tap to leave a pin, this is required

Please select location to process with the request