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VE Day 80th Anniversary - 8 May 2025

VE Day 80 anniversary on 8 May 2025 - a shared moment of celebration

Get involved with the celebrations for the 80th Anniversary of VE Day which will take place on Thursday 8 May 2025. VE Day marks the end of World War II in Europe. It honours the service and sacrifice of those who fought in the war, as well as those who supported them from home. 

To mark this day of shared commemoration, we will be raising the VE Day 80 Flag at Salford Civic Centre and flood lighting the building red, white and blue in the evening.

How you can get involved with the VE Day celebrations

Different types of outdoor events you can organise with your families, communities, neighbours and friends might include:

On your street

  • a street party with your neighbours
  • a street meet

In your local park or open space 

  • a community picnic or lunch
  • a community festival 

How to apply for funding for your celebration from Salford City Council


  • any grant application submitted to the council that delivers improved wellbeing and health outcomes for the local population will be considered

Funding applications

  • you can apply for funding via the council's devolved funding, please note this is a limited funding pot and if you are applying for more than £500, a constitution is required. The deadline to apply for community committee funding is Monday 17 February 2025.

Grant funding can be applied for to fund items such as:

  • publicity costs
  • PA system hire
  • insurance
  • marshalling
  • entertainment

External funding

There are a number of organisation operating across Salford who may be able to offer funding support for your VE Day celebrations, you can enquire with the organisations directly by visiting their websites linked below:

If you are applying for funding as part of a constituted group, the following organisations may be able to support you: 

How to apply for an event in a Salford park or green space

To hold an event in a Salford public park, green space or open space you must submit an application form. Learn more about submitting an event application.

Please note that the deadline for event applications for VE Day 80th Anniversary events is Friday 28 March 2025.

If you organise an event in a park or green space, you will need to get public liability insurance for your event.

Street parties

What is a street party?

Street parties are enjoyable free, community events which allow for neighbours to unite and celebrate a national or regional occasion.

The activities should be suitable for families.

Street parties are held in residential streets and are considered to be open solely to residents, their family and friends.

Street parties are self-organised by residents or a chosen 'neighbourhood committee' or community group.

They need to have an agreed start and reasonable finish time agreed by the residents.

How to apply to hold a street party

You will need to apply to Salford City Council by contacting the Highways team. 

The closing date for street party applications for VE Day 80th Anniversary events is Friday 28 March 2025

Get more information on holding a Salford street party.

Street Meet

A Street Meet is a street party without closing your road, for example a gathering in your front garden or on your driveways.

You do not need permission from Salford City Council for a Street Meet.

Licensable activity

Certain activities require a license. The sale of alcohol, the provision of hot food and drink between 11pm to 5am, or the provision of regulated entertainment (for example, the performance of live or the playing of recorded music, a film, play or dance) to the public, may be licensable activity and may require a temporary event notice. Get more information on applying for a temporary event notice. Applications should be submitted in good time, with a minimum of ten working days before the event (excluding the day that the application is made and the first day of the event).

Medical provision at events

Please see the PDF document below which includes guidance for event organisers to assist them in the provision of adequate medical cover for events.

Balloons and Sky Lanterns

Balloons and sky lanterns releases are an impressive sight, although it's sometimes easy to forget the dangers this can have for wildlife and the environment. Once released these quickly become litter. Although biodegradable options are available, such as bamboo framed sky lanterns, these still take months or even years to break down.

Salford City Council will not give permission for balloon and sky lantern releases as part of any event application.

Getting public liability insurance for your event

Salford City Council advises you to get insurance cover for your event. Here is a selection of companies commonly used by community groups in Salford for their event insurance cover.

Please contact them to discuss the type of event you are hosting, where you are hosting it, and what type of cover is most appropriate for the activities you are planning.

Bonfire and Firework safety

Get guidance on bonfire and firework safety.

Please remember, it is an offence to let fireworks off between 11pm to 7am except on Bonfire Night 12am, Diwali, New Year’s Eve, and Chinese New Year, 1am.

More information about holding an event

For general enquiries on outdoor events and celebrations please email 

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