How we use your information

The council will use your personal information for the purpose of delivering the service as requested by you by completing this form. Detailed information about how the council handles personal information is set out in the council's Primary Privacy Notice and Service Specific Privacy Notices which are accessible on our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) page.

Step 1 of 8

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Before you apply

In order to successfully apply for a premises licence, you will need to:



  • Pay the licence fee now by debit or credit card. Please note the fee is based on the rateable value of the premises.

If you do not know the rateable value of the premises, you can find it online here by clicking on this link.


  • Upload a map showing the location of the premises at the end of this form


  • Upload a plan of the premises at the end of this form


  • If applying for a licence as an individual or as part of a partnership, a copy of a document proving you have the right to live and work in the UK (passport, biometric card). Alternatively, you may wish to provide your 9 digit share code obtained from the government’s right to work service. You can provide this code in step 5 of this form.

Is the premises to be licensed in Salford?

We can only accept applications for premises located in Salford.

To find the local authority you should apply to, please visit find your local council here

Does the premises already exist, or is it currently under construction?

Please use the street search or postcode search below to find the address of the premises to be licensed.