Retail and leisure

The Salford retail and leisure study was undertaken by external consultants WYG Planning and Design. The citywide study includes an analysis of current retail and leisure provision in Salford and identifies the need for additional retail and leisure development, based on forecast population and expenditure change through to the year 2027.

The study includes:

  • an analysis of planning policy and retail trends 
  • detailed assessments of the vitality and viability of Salford's existing town and neighbourhood centres 
  • an analysis of shopping patterns within the city and an explanation of the market shares achieved by centres in Salford for different types of retail goods 
  • an assessment of the need for additional retail floorspace in different parts of the city   
  • a summary of the current leisure provision within Salford and an assessment of the need for further provision

In seeking to forecast the likely population in 2027, the study reflected the likely population change that was anticipated to occur based on the scale and distribution of housing development proposed in the draft core strategy (November 2009). It is important that readers of this report understand how the results of the retail study were arrived at and that the conclusions in relation to the potential population change should therefore be treated with caution. An addendum to the study explaining this matter in more detail is available to download at the foot of this page.

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This page was last updated on 6 April 2016

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