How we use your information

The council will use your personal information for the purpose of delivering the service as requested by you by completing this form. Detailed information about how the council handles personal information is set out in the council's Primary Privacy Notice and Service Specific Privacy Notices which are accessible on our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) page.

Step 1 of 2

Your details

Urgent information

If there is an immediate threat to either a person or property telephone 999. For any other criminal incident then please contact Greater Manchester Police by telephoning 101.

Important information

Please use this category for reporting incidents ONLY where you can make specific allegations regarding who may be responsible or where there has been a sudden outbreak in the area concerned.

Reports may typically include advising of drunken behaviour, racial abuse or hate crime, harassment or intimidation, damage to property or cars, car or motorbike nuisance, eg parking, speeding or misuse, properties being routinely visited by strangers where drugs or prostitution may be the cause, etc.

Please note that your report will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Urgent information

If you are reporting a dangerous building we need to investigate your concern immediately. Please call 0161 779 6175, between 8.30am and 4.30pm from Monday to Friday.

Outside normal working hours please call 0161 794 8888.

Urgent information

If you are reporting that a safety fence is missing or has been damaged in a way that may cause injury. We need to investigate your concern immediately. Please telephone our Contact Centre.

Urgent information

If the graffiti is offensive we need to remove it as soon as possible. Please telephone our Contact Centre.

Urgent information

If you are a Salix or City West tenant then you should contact your housing provider.

Important information

Please use this category to report noise coming from premises, either inside or outside, eg music, TV, party noise, noise from domestic equipment and for noise from equipment in the street such as generators. If the noise is from people in the street please use anti-social behaviour to report your issues.

If the noise is coming from commercial or business premises, please telephone our Contact Centre.

Depending on the nature of your report, we may require detailed information from you before it can be investigated.

For more advice and guidance please read our noise pollution (opens in a new window) page before you submit your request.

Rest assured that your details will be treated in the strictest confidence. Please note that it may hinder our investigation if you do not supply your details and may result in us being unable to respond or resolve your issue.

Urgent information

If the park equipment has been damaged or vandalised and is now dangerous, we need to investigate your concern immediately. Please telephone our Contact Centre.

How to challenge or pay for a PCN

To challenge, make representations or make payment in relation to a parking or bus lane ticket, please follow the instructions on the reverse of the Penalty Change Notice or see our How to pay or challenge a PCN page.

Before you start

Please use this form if you are wishing to report:

  • Faulty pay and display machines in a car park area
  • Surface defects within a car park area
  • Lighting issues in a car park area
  • Litter or fly-tipping issues in a car park area
  • Vandalism or damage in a car park area which could be deemed a public safety issue
  • Vehicles regularly parking in a restricted area of the public highway

Urgent information

If you are reporting any of the following we need to investigate your concern immediately. Please telephone our Contact Centre.

  • Missing grid or manhole cover
  • Missing flagstones
  • Potholes deeper than 40mm on the road or 25mm on the pavement
  • Kerbstone is missing or rocking
  • A damaged or vandalised guardrail that sticks out onto the road or pavement
  • A damaged or vandalised bollard that is dangerous to the public
  • Collapse or subsidence on the road or pavement
  • Flooding on a large part of the road or pavement
  • Flooding on the road or pavement that is likely to flood a nearby property

Urgent information

If you are reporting any of the following we need to investigate your concern immediately. Please telephone our Contact Centre.

  • Illuminated traffic sign knocked over or leaning
  • Illuminated bollard knocked over or leaning
  • Street light has a missing door or the wires are exposed
  • Street light knocked over or leaning
  • School or pedestrian crossing lights not working
  • Subway light damaged or vandalised
  • All the lights in a subway are out

Urgent information

If there is an emergency and a tree is unstable, has fallen over or has a large branch hanging down and is causing a hazard in a public place, eg has fallen into the road, please telephone our contact centre on 0161 793 2500 for an immediate call out.

Important information

We deal with problems with trees located:

  • In public areas such as on the highway, within parks or cemeteries
  • On Salix Homes land

Trees located on private land fall under the responsibility of the property owner and are not dealt with by the city council.

Some trees are subject to tree preservation orders and you will need permission before felling or pruning. For further information please contact us on 0161 793 2500.

Please use the postcode search to find your address rather than typing it in manually.