How we use your information

The council will use your personal information for the purpose of delivering the service as requested by you by completing this form. Detailed information about how the council handles personal information is set out in the council's Primary Privacy Notice and Service Specific Privacy Notices which are accessible on our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) page.

Step 1 of 6

Your details

If you and/or your partner has reached pension age you may not need to apply for backdated Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, as there are different rules about when your claim will start.

Council tax reduction cannot be backdated under the Council’s local council tax reduction scheme.

If you or your partner have not yet reached pension age, housing benefit can only be backdated for up to 1 month before you made your claim.

We can only backdate housing benefit if you can show that there was a good reason or reasons why you did not claim earlier.

You must satisfy the Council that there was a good reason why you did not make an earlier claim for the period you have requested backdated housing benefit, e.g. you were in hospital, and did not have anyone to help you with your claim.

If you would like to request backdated housing benefit please complete this form.

You can upload documents and/or photo's to support of you application at the end of the form.

If you include an email address a copy of this form will be emailed to you.

You must enter the postcode of the address where you want to claim backdated benefit and search for the address before you can proceed.

Please input the correct housing benefit claim reference number as it will help us to process this form more quickly.