Sign in to access your Salford customer account, or see our other accounts.
Sign in or register for an accountThe council is committed to ensuring that we are transparent about the ways in which we use your personal information and that we have the right controls in place to ensure it is used responsibly and is kept safe from inappropriate access, theft or misuse.
On this page you can find our Primary Privacy Notice, our Data Protection Policy and guidance on how you can exercise your rights under the data protection legislation.
We provide a broad range of services as well undertaking regulatory and administrative activities. These include the provision of education, child protection and care services (supporting early years, vulnerable adults and the elderly), the collection of taxes, administration of local welfare benefits and grants as well as our regulatory, enforcement and licensing activities. Each service explains how they use your data in their service specific privacy notice, listed below:
The council’s Information Governance (IG) team can provide a service level agreement service to schools. For more information about this service email Information Governance.
This page was last updated on 30 January 2025