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Translate the Salford City Council website into your language

To view a translated version of this website in your language, select your language from the table below.

Google Translate is a free translation service that allows you to translate the majority of pages on our website into over sixty different languages.

We hope that this will make more of the content on this website accessible to a wider range of people, including those who do not speak English, or speak English as a second language.

Please note that these services are automated and therefore may produce some unreliable translations. We cannot take any responsibility for the translations that these sites provide.

A selection of languages that our website has been translated into
Language Translation link
Amharic Amharic translation via Google
Arabic Arabic translation via Google
Chinese (simplified) Chinese translation via Google
Czech Czech translation via Google
French French translation via Google
Gujarati Gujarati translation via Google
Persian Persian translation via Google
Polish Polish translation via Google
Portuguese Portuguese translation via Google
Spanish Spanish translation via Google
Swahili Swahili translation via Google
Urdu Urdu translation via Google
Yiddish Yiddish translation via Google

For more language options please see the Google translate website or use the following option.

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