Historic landscape characterisation

What is historic landscape characterisation?

Historic landscape characterisation is a method for understanding and mapping today's landscape with reference to its historical and cultural origins.

In terms of assessing the historic environment, there has been a shift from relying largely upon the confines of special areas or sites, to focusing more widely on the historic dimensions of our surroundings as a whole, including an appreciation of the historic landscape in general. This led the way for Historic England's national historic landscape characterisation programme.

In 2011, the former Greater Manchester Archaeological Unit, now Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service (GMAAS) completed work on a historic landscape characterisation project for Greater Manchester.

This involved the mapping and characterisation of each of the ten districts within Greater Manchester, as well as the production of a separate report for each district highlighting the important characteristics of its landscape. A document summerising the Greater Manchester historic landscape characterisation project is available to download at the bottom of this page.

Salford's historic landscape characterisation study

Salford's historic landscape characterisation study ‘characterises' the city into different landscape character types, considering historical and present day land uses, and the relationship between them.

Salford's historic landscape characterisation data can be viewed through the interactive heritage map for Salford. In addition the data has been incorporated into Salford's historic environment record (HER), so can also be accessed this way. Enquiries relating to accessing Salford's historic environment record should be emailed to gmaas@salford.ac.uk.

The historic landscape characterisation report for Salford is available to download at the bottom of the page. This identifies the key issues for each of the different character types including; the identification of the potential for below ground and above ground archaeological remains, its historic landscape interest, threats, opportunities and management recommendations.

Applicants should utilise Salford's historic landscape characterisation study in assessing the impact of their proposal on the historic environment. This will help in identifying the local character of an area or particular site that should be protected and enhanced, and also help to provide an indication of whether there is likely to be anything of archaeological significance on or near a site.

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This page was last updated on 17 March 2016

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