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Young people with SEND and their parents and carers invited to help improve support

Young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and parents and/or carers of children and young people with SEND are being invited to join a group to develop and improve Salford’s Local Offer.

A Local Offer is an information directory and website where young people with SEND, aged 0 to 25 years, and their families, can find out what support is available in their area. It also has information about education, preparing for adult life, travel and transport, and much more.

A consultation group called The Salford Local Offer Partnership is being set up and professionals are looking for approximately ten young people and five parent/carers to work with them on improving Salford’s Local Offer.

The aim is to find out the views of a range of different people such as single parents, same sex parents, people with English as an additional language and parents and/or carers with disabilities.

Skills, experience, and qualities needed include:

  • lived experience as a child/young person with special educational needs and/or disability
  • lived experience as a parent/carer of as a child/young person with special educational needs and/or disability
  • passionate about making positive changes
  • ability and willingness to join a mix of online and face to face sessions (times of this will vary so there are opportunities for everyone to take part) and contribute to group discussions

Members will be asked to:

  • Take part group discussions about the look/feel of the Local Offer webpages, and the content on these pages. This might include verbal and written feedback such as online surveys.
  • Take part in test work for example, being asked to find specific information on the Local Offer website such as how to find a service for advocacy, how to apply for an EHCP, or what Special Schools these are locally.
  • Support projects such as creating information videos for the Local Offer. This is not a requirement and only members who wanted to, would be asked to support these projects.

People would be needed to support until March 2025, and possibly after this depending on funding.

For more information contact:

This page was last updated on 11 September 2023

Local Offer: For children and young people with SEN or disabilities

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