Salford sufficiency strategy

Here is Salford City Council’s Sufficiency Strategy 2023 to 2026. This sets out our strategic intentions to achieve sufficient provision for children who are looked after and care leavers. Within the strategy is a dynamic action plan which reports to Permanency Leadership Board on milestones to achieving sufficiency. 

Our intention is, where children and young people cannot be cared for safely within their own family, they remain close to local networks and existing education provision. We have good support and wrap around services in Salford and we want our most vulnerable young people to be able to access these in areas they are familiar with. There has been an increase of Ofsted registered provision in Salford and we want these homes to be offering good quality care to Salford children. This would reduce the need for placements at distance.

Our provision for care leavers is strong with good quality commissioned provision in the city.

We are growing our in house foster care pool which is complemented by independent foster care placements. We want to see an increase of availability of good quality foster carers in borough or close to the border of Salford so contact and existing education placements are maintained.

Our preference is to commission through existing framework arrangements.

Any providers interested in developing provision within Salford are encouraged to discuss their plans with The Placement Finding Team, who are responsible for commissioning provision, to ensure it aligns with Salford’s Sufficiency Strategy.

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For further information on sufficiency of placements for children who are looked after across Greater Manchester please see the Greater Manchester Observatory section on the GMCA website.

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