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Find out what the HAF programme means to families in Salford
About the Holiday activities and food programme
Children and young people aged four to 16 who are eligible for benefits related free school meals can access a range of fun free activities throughout the year.
Funded by the Department of Education, Salford’s Holiday Activity and Food programme is a package of support for children and young people on benefits related free school meals. The programme provides free access to multiple activities and food during Easter, summer and winter.
Whether its arts and crafts, dance, sports or drama, Salford’s #HAF2024 programme has something for everyone! A wide range of organisations have come together to deliver a range of activities across Salford allowing children and young people to access age-appropriate sessions in their local community.
The Winter programme will run 20 December 2024 to 3 January 2025.
Not eligible for benefits-related free school meals?
If your child is not eligible for benefits-related free school meals, we also have a limited number of spaces for children who are experiencing food insecurity in the holidays and who meet any of the following criteria:
- children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable
- young carers
- looked-after children or previously looked after children
- children with an EHC plan (education, health and care)
- children with special educational needs and/or disabilities who are not eligible for free school meals
- children who have low attendance rates at school or who are at risk of exclusion
The criteria can be selected when making a booking, however if you experience any issues booking, please contact the Health Improvement Service for further advice.
HAF Provision for specialist and complex SEND
If you require a HAF place for your child that supports specialist and complex SEND, please search these providers first:
- Springwood Primary School (your child must attend one of the Springwood schools)
- Endorphins
- You Can
The majority of our other providers may each also be able to support a small number of specialist and complex SEND children. If you make a booking request with a different provider to the three listed above, please ensure you state on this booking request what support your child requires and the provider will be able to assess if they can accommodate this at their club, and accept or decline your booking request.
Children and providers having fun as part of the programme:
About the programme
If you have any questions, please get in touch via health.improvement@salford.gov.uk
Marcus Rashford introduces the programme
Downloadable documents
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This page was last updated on 21 January 2025