
If you find walking very difficult, a wheelchair may help.

Who can get a wheelchair?

Adult Social Care has strict rules about who can be helped and what help can be provided:

  • You must be a permanent Salford resident or have a Salford GP
  • You cannot walk, or walking is very difficult and is not going to get better
  • You require a wheelchair for longer than six months
  • You are totally dependent on a wheelchair for getting around indoors and outdoors

If Adult Social Care cannot help, both Age UK Salford and the British Red Cross have wheelchair loan services.

How much does a wheelchair cost?

The wheelchair is a long-term loan so if you qualify for one, it is free. If you want to buy your own chair, Adult Social Care can give you a voucher to put towards the cost.

What happens if my wheelchair breaks?

As your wheelchair is on loan from Salford Wheelchair Service, we will fix it if it breaks.

You can contact Salford Equipment Services between 8.30am and 4.30pm from Monday to Friday on 0161 206 7016 to arrange the repair.

Depending upon the type of wheelchair we have lent you, we may ask you to bring it to a repair clinic at Burrows House, or a Technician may visit you at home.

We do not offer a breakdown or out of hours service.

Wheelchair Repair Clinic is our clinic when wheelchairs we have issued to you are in need of a repair.

It's open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 1pm and 3pm – please phone in to book an appointment on 0161 206 7016.

If you have a minor problem with your wheelchair, staff will try to fix it. Please do not call without an appointment and please do not come in the wheelchair if you are unable to get out of it for it to be repaired.

If you have a powered chair, please phone to discuss your repair.

Buying your own wheelchair

If you wish to buy your own chair, get independent advice from Disabled Living.

Help My Mobilty also offers useful advice when looking at buying your own wheelchair.

Many retailers now sell wheelchairs including mobility shops and national stores. Take your time to shop around and try different models. Make sure that you get a wheelchair you feel comfortable with.

Mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs

Before you buy a mobility scooter, please consider:

  • Will you feel confident using it?
  • Where will you charge the batteries?
  • Where will you store it?
  • Will it fit through your front door if you want to take it inside?
  • Will it be able to go everywhere you need to go (narrow passageways, steps, lifts etc)?

Adult social care is now provided by Northern Care Alliance

This page was last updated on 3 July 2023

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