Gambling Act applications

Since 21 May 2007, the Licensing Authority will accept applications from existing operators for all types of premises licences.

Applications may take one of two possible forms - fast track and non-fast track.

If the applicant accepts all default conditions, if there are any applicable to the relevant premises licence, and does not wish to add any further conditions, the application will follow the fast-track procedure. All the applicant needs to do is submit a completed application form, plan and fee.

If the applicant wishes to vary or remove any default conditions applicable to the relevant premises licence, or wishes to add any conditions, the application will follow the non-fast track procedure.

The applicant will need to submit a completed application form, plan and fee, and issue all relevant notices.

Application forms and notices can be downloaded from the Gambling Commission website.

The prescribed requirements for plans relevant to each type of premises licence are available on this website; so too all mandatory and default conditions which apply to that type of licence.

The fees set by this authority are available.

Contact details for all responsible authorities are available.

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