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Sign in or register for an accountIf you’re driving your child to school please make sure you park safely, legally and considerately. Please don’t park across household driveways near schools and always park safely. We don’t want to see anyone hurt.
It is illegal to park on ‘School Keep Clear’ markings, or zig zag markings. Yellow lines on the road also show that parking restrictions are in place; please check the signs to see what times these apply.
‘School Keep Clear’ markings outside schools in Salford are there for the safety of children and other pedestrians. They are there to keep the area completely clear of vehicles at school start and finish times.
Motorists seen parking in a school keep clear zone or stopping to drop off passengers can be fined. Civil Enforcement Officers patrol outside schools and keep clear zones are also monitored by CCTV.
A parking enforcement camera may be used outside schools to capture any vehicle that which stops on the keep clear markings. Signs advising a camera is in operation will be displayed.
During term-time the camera focuses enforcement on school keep clear areas at the times specified on the accompanying sign. This may be all day or just at school start and finish times.
If you park or stop illegally and are captured on camera, the registered keeper of the vehicle may receive a £70 Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) in the post from Salford City Council. If you pay within 14 days, the charge is reduced by half to £35. Further enforcement will take place if the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) remains unpaid.