
Salford is committed to supporting Fairtrade, and was granted Fairtrade city status from the Fairtrade Foundation in 2005.

What is Fairtrade?

With thousands of Fairtrade certified products now available, it's easier than ever to change what you eat, drink and wear to Fairtrade, and make a positive change today for the lives of millions and farmers in developing countries.

Fairtrade ensures a stable price that covers production costs and enables producers to reinvest in their business as well as proving social and environmental schemes for their wider community. Products that bear the Fairtrade logo show that the products have been officially approved to meet the international Fairtrade principles of fair trading and ethical purchasing.

The Fairtrade mark is an independent consumer label which appears on products as an independent guarantee that disadvantaged producers in the developing world are getting a better deal.

Fairtrade city status

Fairtrade city status means that:

  • the concept of Fairtrade is backed by the council
  • Fairtrade products are used in council offices, as well as shops, cafes and work places in the city
  • Fairtrade products are readily available to buy in shops in the area
  • the local community is actively working to promote Fairtrade principles and products

Find out more about the Fairtrade Foundation and Fairtrade city status.

But we need to do more. Can you help?

If you are a:

  • Member of the public: you can try and buy Fairtrade products whenever you can. These are readily available in all supermarkets and in a lot of local shops. Look out for the Fairtrade logo. And remember: Fairtrade doesn't necessarily mean it's more expensive, and it doesn't mean that it's an inferior product - it's often tastier. And if your local shop doesn't stock any Fairtrade products - ask them to! 
  • Community group: think about hosting a Fairtrade stall or an event to promote Fairtrade products, or how about a food and drink tasting to sample some Fairtrade delights? 
  • Retailer: then why not stock fair-trade products such as tea, coffee, chocolate, fruit and clothing.
  • Business: you can provide Fairtrade drinks in your place of work, for staff and in meetings. As well as individual products that can be bought from supermarkets, a number of vending machine operators now supply Fairtrade products too.

Who to contact

If you want to find out more about the Fairtrade movement and national campaigns, visit the Fairtrade Foundation website.

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