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Prevent: Resources

General Prevent resources

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism

Report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet. You can report things like:

  • articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
  • websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations
  • videos of terrorist attacks

Prevent Duty Toolkit

This toolkit supports the practical delivery of Prevent by local authorities and partner agencies by providing practical information on duty implementation, case study examples on good practice local delivery and a self-assessment framework.

GMP Prevent

For more information on Prevent.

Prevent risk assessment webinar and presentation

A webinar giving guidance on how to write an effective risk assessment under the Prevent duty.

FACTSHEET: Prevent and Channel - 2021 - Home Office in the media

Due to recent media interest in Prevent, the following information has been updated to provide factual background on the programme.

Get help if you’re worried about someone being radicalised

Find out how the Prevent programme supports people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism through radicalisation.

School resources

Educate Against Hate

Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.

Downloadable document

School intervention / resource providers to prevent and challenge prejudice and hate (Adobe PDF format, 155kb)

Resources for communities

Protecting charities-from abuse for extremist Purposes

Use this guide to find out how trustees, staff and volunteers can protect their charity from abuse by those encouraging extremism, terrorism or illegal activity.

NSPCC safeguarding faith groups / radicalisation

On this page the NSPCC shares best practice about recognising, responding to and preventing radicalisation and extremism.

Self-assessment community checklist (Adobe PDF format, 48kb)

Use this self-assessment checklist for staff and volunteers of community groups and partners to help in building resilience, knowledge and confidence on all matters relating to Prevent.

Online safety resources

Internet Matters

Learn more about what online grooming is, where and how it can happen online and what the risks are to children as they navigate their online world.


Information about the internet, relationships and you. What does a healthy online relationship look like, what is grooming and what to do if you are worried about something that is happening online.

BBC Teach fake news resources

This collection of classroom resources can be used to support secondary schools teaching around digital literacy and fake news.

Resources for parents

British Council

How teachers, parents and carers can spot and prevent online grooming and radicalisation.

Resources for young people

TrustMe Critical Thinking Resource

LGfL and Childnet have partnered to develop 'Trust Me', the new critical thinking resource that encourages young people to ask themselves who, what, when and why they can trust online.

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