Hand washing

The Environmental Health team have produced a number of resources below to assist schools in teaching children the importance of good hand hygiene. This is even more important during the current Covid- 19 pandemic, to reduce the spread of infection, to protect the NHS and to save lives.

The hand washing presentation highlights how germs can be spread by poor hand washing, where hands have not been washed and dried properly and includes information on:

  • Why we wash our hands
  • Basic microbiology
  • When to wash our hands
  • Equipment required to wash our hands
  • How to wash our hands

The YouTube clip can be used to assist children in the learning experience of washing hands, to ensure that hands are washed in a clean hand basin, with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, rinsed and then dried properly.

Parents and carers are also encouraged to participate in the child’s learning experience, by sending a note home, to let them know that the children are learning about handwashing.

Hand washing songs


You gotta wash your hands, you gotta wash them right

Don't give in to germs without a fight.

Use water that's warm and lots of soapy bubbles,

These are your weapons for preventing germ troubles.

Don't cut short your time, your fingers get between,

It takes 20 seconds to make sure they're clean.

Gotta wash, gotta wash, gotta wash your hands,

You gotta wash, gotta wash, gotta wash your hands

Wash, wash, wash your hands

Tune: Row Row Row Your Boat 

Wash, wash, wash your hands

Wash them nice and clean

Wash them on top,

Wash them on bottom and fingers in between.

The soap on your hands goes sud, sud, sud

Tune: Wheels on the bus 

The soap on your hands goes sud, sud, sud.

Sud, sud, sud.

Sud, sud, sud.

The soap on your hands goes sud, sud, sud.

And the germs go down the drain

This is the way we wash our hands

This is the way we wash our hands

Wash our hands

Wash our hands

This is the way we wash our hands

To keep our bodies healthy

Further advice can be obtained by emailing environmentalhealth@salford.gov.uk.

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