Statutory national validation requirements

Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (DMPO) outlines what the statutory mandatory national requirements are and comprises:

  • Application form
  • Certificates
  • Site location plan
  • Site layout plan
  • Detailed drawings (where applicable)
  • Design and access statement (where applicable)
  • Application fee

The Development Management Procedure Order can be found online.

Further information that may be required, in addition to the statutory national requirements, is set out in the list of local information requirements.

Expand the following boxes to read about each of the national requirements.  

Application forms

Planning applications should be submitted via the Planning Portal.

It should be noted that a number of application types cannot currently be submitted via the Planning Portal.

In these instances, forms can be downloaded from the Planning Portal website.

Hybrid applications cannot be submitted online via the Planning Portal. The term ‘hybrid application’ is not defined in statute and whether to accept a proposal in hybrid form is at the discretion of the local planning authority.

The description of development on the application form should, where relevant, include the number of units proposed and a breakdown of apartments and houses or the amount of floor space proposed. The description of the development should be a specific as possible so that when the application is publicised neighbours are clear on the scale of development proposed.


A certificate of ownership (including agricultural land declaration) must be completed when submitting a planning application. Section 65(5) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 sets out that the Council must not entertain an application for planning permission unless the relevant certificates concerning the ownership of the application site have been completed.

It is an offence to complete a false or misleading certificate, either knowingly or recklessly. A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale (Section 65(7) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990). The onus is on the applicant/agent to provide the correct information.

The four different certificates are as follows:

Certificate A – is applicable when the applicant is the sole owner and when none of the land to which the application relates to is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Certificate B – is applicable when the applicant does not own/or is not the sole owner but the owner and/or agricultural tenant is known to the applicant.

Certificates C and D – are applicable when none or only some of the owners and/or agricultural tenants of the site are known.

An ‘owner’ is anyone with a freehold interest, or leasehold interest the unexpired term of which is not less than 7 years.

An ‘agricultural tenant’ is a tenant of an agricultural holding, any part of which is comprised in the land to which the application relates.

Where certificates B or C are relevant the applicant must complete and serve notice of the proposed development on the owner(s) and/or agricultural tenant(s) of the site. Notice templates are available online via the Planning Portal.

Site location plan

A site location plan is required to show the location of the site and to identify any other sites, which may be in the same ownership.

The location plan should be at a scale of 1:1250 unless the site is very large and cannot be shown in its entirety on a single sheet of paper in which case a smaller scale may be used. For example, 1:2500. It should be scaled to fit onto A4 or A3 size paper where possible and be based on an up-to date map. It must include the following:

  • The application site outlined with a continuous red line including all land necessary to carry out the proposed development e.g. land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings;
  • A blue line around any other land owned by the applicant close to or adjoining the application site;
  • Sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear;
  • A north arrow.

Site layout plan

The site layout plan should be at a standard scale. For example, 1:200 or 1:500 and, as a minimum, should include:

  • A north arrow;
  • The proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on or adjacent to the site, as well as written dimensions including those to the boundaries; and
  • The position and crown spread of all trees (to scale) within the application site or within falling distance of the application site;
  • Details of any proposed boundary treatments and hard surfacing;
  • Any public rights of way which may cross or run adjacent to the site;
  • Parking and access arrangements.

Detailed drawings

The requirement for detailed drawings will vary dependent on the type of application and the development proposed but may include:

  • Existing and proposed floor plans, elevations and roof plans - clearly marked with the correct scale and annotated appropriately, (for example, existing first floor plan, proposed south elevation). All elevations, of a building, must be included even if it abuts an adjacent property/building and will therefore not be seen. Where the proposal involves alterations at roof level, then existing and proposed roof plans should also be provided. Applications that do not propose any external alterations are not required to provide elevation or roof plans.
  • Existing and proposed site sections and levels plans including finished floor levels. For more complex schemes or development where there is significant change in level then sections and existing and proposed levels plans will be required to support the application. Sectional drawings should be to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 and should include details of the alterations of the levels and demonstrate how the proposal sits within the site, in particular showing the levels between existing and proposed development and relationship to adjoining sites. The drawings should include spot levels, finished floor levels and access gradients where appropriate.

Sectional drawings are also required for all applications for advertisement consent and should include a section through the proposed signage indicating the depth and fixing techniques of any signage where attached to a building or structure and details of any internal or external illumination.

All plans and drawings should normally be to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 and include a scale bar. In addition to the plans set out above there may be other instances where additional plans are requested, such as street scenes.

Design and access statements

Design and access statements are required for:

Applications for waste development, a material change of use, engineering or mining operations and applications to amend the conditions attached to a planning permission do not need to be accompanied by a design and access statement.

The level of detail required in a design and access statement for an application for planning permission will depend on the scale and complexity of the application. The length of the statement will vary accordingly. Statements should be proportionate to the complexity of the application and must;

  1. explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the proposed development;
  2. demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the proposed development, and how the design of the development takes that context into account;
  3. explain the applicant’s approach to access and how relevant local plan policies have been taken into account;
  4. detail any consultation undertaken in relation to access issues, and how the outcome of this consultation has informed the proposed development;
  5. explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the proposed development have been addressed.

Where a planning application is submitted in parallel with an application for listed building consent, a single, combined heritage and design and access statement can be submitted. The combined statement should address the elements required in relation to a planning application and the additional requirements in relation to listed building consent.

Application fee (where necessary)

A guide to the fees for planning applications

You can calculate the correct fee for your application by using the Planning Portal’s fee calculator.

An application will not be validated until the correct fee has been paid in full except where an exemption to the fee applies.

Please note fees paid via the Planning Portal can take a number of days to reach the local planning authority depending on the method of payment. The Planning Portal acknowledgement is not confirmation of the validation of the application.

Validation checklist

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