As part of our enhanced planning service the council now offers the opportunity for applicants to enter into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with the council.
This sits alongside the council’s existing pre-application advice service. A PPA is a project management tool which allows all parties to agree timescales, actions and resources for handling planning applications. PPAs are usually agreed at the pre-application stage and relate to the whole development process, from pre-application planning advice and community engagement, to application progress meetings right through to the post decision stage, including the discharge of conditions and site monitoring. PPAs can be used for any type of application but are most effective for major and complex planning applications.
The key benefits of a PPA are as follows:
Salford City Council recognises that the successful delivery of development projects requires good working relationships with developers, communities and other stakeholders. Improved communication and transparency can help reduce delays, provide accurate and timely advice and set realistic time frames for determination.
If you would like to discuss setting up a planning performance agreement with the council please contact the Development Management Team at or call 0161 793 6195. A case officer will then contact you to discuss the potential options that can be included in the PPA together with the associated costs for that bespoke service.