View or comment on a planning application

The Public Register allows you to:

  • View and comment on planning applications 
  • See any related appeals
  • Search the planning history of individual properties

A quick link has also been provided to all large developments currently being considered by the planning authority. A short video and a series of frequently asked questions are available lower down this page which provide more information and guidance on using the public register.

Search for a planning application

How to comment on a planning application

Anyone can make representations on planning grounds for or against the proposal, but they are required to do this in writing. Representations should be received within 21 days of the date of the notification letter, site notice or press advertisement. The council can make a decision on the application following this 21 day period. If representations are received after 21 days but before the date a decision is made then they will be taken into account.

Comments in the Public Register

Comments can be submitted or you can check the progress of an application online via the Public Register.

Please note that comments made online will not be visible to other people using the site. Comments made by Councillors, Members of Parliament or consultees (for example, Highways Authority) will be published to the Public Register. This will normally be within a few days of the comment being made.

Alternatively you can send your comments in writing to the address below quoting the application number and address of the site to which the application relates.

Development Management
Technical Services
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5AS

Anonymous comments will carry significantly less weight when the matter is being considered. An acknowledgement will be sent to the email address provided if comments are made via the Public Register. The council does not acknowledge, in writing, any representations submitted using other means but does notify the writer of the time and date if the matter will be considered by the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel (by a letter posted one week before the date of the meeting).

What can be considered in determining a planning application

The council takes into account all representations but must make its decision on planning grounds only.

Hence issues such as loss of value, loss of a view, private rights of way and ownership matters are not taken into account and are matters that would be pursued separately either under other legislation or as a private matter. Planning grounds can still cover a wide range of issues and, by law certain matters must be taken into account:

  • government advice as set out in circulars and planning policy guidance notes
  • local planning policies - including Salford's Development Plan
  • other planning issues:
    • comments from consultees
    • comments from neighbours
    • the council can only take into account those comments based directly relevant to the planning process including loss of amenity, privacy, outlook, traffic, noise and nuisance


All representations made in writing become part of the application file and are open to be viewed and copied by the applicant or other members of the public. Representations made cannot be treated as confidential or kept private.

Planning applications published on this website are subject to copyright restrictions.

Data protection

The council is committed to ensuring that we are transparent about the ways in which we use your personal information and that we have the right controls in place to ensure it is used responsibly and is kept safe from inappropriate access, theft or misuseOur building control and planning privacy notice, which can be found under the Place heading on the data protection page, explains how we use your data.

Frequently asked questions

How do I search for an application?

You can use the search function to look for applications by their address, postcode or reference number.

Search the planning and building control public register, showing search box

If you can't find what you're looking for then use the advanced search tool to locate decisions made within a specified period of time. The less refined your search, the broader the search results. 

Search results when searching across all categories, are presented/grouped by category in alphabetical order. If you know you are looking for a planning application, refine you search by pre-selecting a category before you search. 

Address Searching: Applications are recorded as per the address at the time of the planning application. Therefore, if the location/address of interest has been changed over time, you will not get the full history of the site using the most recent address. 

How do I view a list of all applications submitted between two dates or in a particular ward? 

By selecting the advanced search option and then the Planning Applications category, you can select dates in the ‘Valid date from’ and ‘Valid date to’ fields and then press search.  The results will appear at the bottom of the page. If you wish to refine the search to a particular ward that can also be selected in the ‘Ward’ field. 

Advanced search with options for extra informaton such as address, status, category

How are search results shown? 

Once you have selected your search criteria the results are shown at the bottom of the page in a list and the search criteria are hidden. You can show the search criteria by clicking on the link above the list. You can also change the view of the results by changing it from a list to a table by selecting the link at the top right-hand corner of the search results.

Example of search results from advanced search

How do I view application documents? 

You will find these in the Files section of the associated application. Once you've clicked on Files, you will see a list of the documents which you can then view and filter. 

Documents available to view on planning system

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