Annex D: Saved Unitary Development Plan policies

D1. The City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2004-2016 (the UDP) was adopted by Salford City Council on 21 June 2006. Under the transitional provisions associated with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the policies in the UDP were automatically ‘saved’ for three years after their adoption. If the city council wished to retain any of the UDP policies beyond that three-year period then it was required to apply to the Secretary of State to do so. The city council did apply to the Secretary of State to save most of the UDP policies beyond June 2009, and this was approved.

D2. Regulation 8(5) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 explains that ‘where a Local Plan contains a policy that is intended to supersede another policy in the adopted development plan, it must state that fact and identify the superseded policy.’ Where saved UDP policies have not already been replaced by policies within the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document (2012) or the Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan Document (2013) it is intended that the saved UDP policies will be replaced by policies in this Development Management Policies and Designations document. These policies are listed below.

D3. The Local Plan Development Management Policies and Designations document does not supersede any of the policies in the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document or the Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan Document

Policy reference Policy title
ST1 Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods
ST3 Employment Supply
ST4 Key Tourism Areas
ST5 Transport Networks
ST7 Mixed-use Development
ST9 Retail, Leisure, Social and Community Provision
ST10 Recreation Provision
ST12 Development Density
ST13 Natural Environmental Assets
ST14 Global Environment
ST15 Historic Environment
MX1 Development in Mixed-use Areas
MX2 Chapel Street Frontage
MX3 Sites for a Mix of Open Space and Built Development
DES1 Respecting Context
DES2 Circulation and Movement
DES3 Design of Public Space
DES4 Relationship of Development to Public Space
DES5 Tall Buildings
DES6 Waterside Development
DES7 Amenity of Users and Neighbours
DES8 Alterations and Extensions
DES9 Landscaping
DES10 Design and Crime
H1 Provision of New Housing Development
H3 Housing Improvement
H4 Affordable Housing
H5 Provision of Residential Accommodation within Existing Buildings
H6 Residential Social and Community Uses
H7 Provision of Student Accommodation
H8 Open Space Provision Associated with New Housing Development
H9 Sites for New Housing
E1 Strategic Regional Site, Barton
E2 Innovation Park
E3 Knowledge Capital
E4 Sites for Employment Development
E5 Development within Established Employment Areas
S1 Retail and Leisure Development within Town and Neighbourhood Centres
S3 Loss of Shops
S4 Amusement Centres, Restaurants and Cafes, Drinking Establishments and Hot Food Takeaways
S5 Site for New Retail Development
EHC1 Provision and Improvement of Schools and Colleges
EHC3 Provision and Improvement of Health and Community Facilities
EHC4 Reuse of Existing Health and Community Facilities
EHC5 University of Salford
EHC6 Hope Hospital
EHC7 Sites for Travelling People
EHC9 Site for the Provision of a New School
EHC10 Site for the Provision of Cemetery Facilities
A2 Cyclists, Pedestrians and the Disabled
A3 Metrolink
A4 Railways
A5 Buses
A6 Taxis
A8 Impact of Development on the Highway Network
A9 Provision of New Highways
A10 Provision of Car, Cycle and Motorcycle Parking in New Developments
A11 Provision of Long Stay Commuter Car Parks
A14 Barton Aerodrome
A15 Safeguarding Potential Transport Routes
EN1 Development Affecting the Green Belt
EN2 Worsley Greenway
EN4 Farm Diversification
EN5 Irwell Valley
EN7 Nature Conservation Sites of National Importance
EN8 Nature Conservation Sites of Local Importance
EN9 Wildlife Corridors
EN11 Mosslands
EN12 Important Landscape Features
EN13 Protected Trees
EN17 Pollution Control
EN18 Protection of Water Resources
EN19 Flood Risk and Surface Water
EN20 River Irwell Flood Control
EN21 Renewable Energy
EN22 Resource Conservation
EN23 Environmental Improvement Corridors
CH1 Works to, and Demolition of, Listed Buildings
CH2 Development Affecting the Setting of a Listed Building
CH3 Works Within Conservation Areas
CH4 Demolition of Buildings Within Conservation Areas
CH5 Archaeology and Ancient Monuments
CH6 Parks and Gardens of Historic Interest
CH7 Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal
CH8 Local List of Buildings, Structures and Features of Architectural, Archaeological or Historic Interest
R1 Protection of Recreation Land and Facilities
R2 Provision of Recreation Land and Facilities
R3 Regional Park
R4 Key Recreation Areas
R5 Countryside Access Network
R6 New and Improved Recreation Land and Facilities
R7 Recreational Use Of Waterways
DEV1 Telecommunications
DEV2 Advertisements
DEV3 Control of Hazardous Uses
DEV4 Development Close to Hazardous Uses
DEV5 Planning Conditions and Obligations
DEV6 Incremental Development
DEV7 Protection of Aviation Safety at Manchester Airport

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