The council has produced design guidance that forms part of the brief to architects commissioned by the council to deliver the building front improvement grant scheme on Liverpool Road.
This scheme is part of the delivery of the Liverpool Road Corridor Strategy 2007 to 2017 which aims to transform the corridor 'into a high quality, economically sustainable corridor into Salford'. The grant scheme will improve Liverpool Road by supporting high quality investment in shop premises. Where appropriate, it also supports high quality conversions of vacant shops to residential use outside neighbourhood centres.
The guidance is set out in two documents, which can be downloaded below. One document relates to the design of new shop fronts. The other relates to the conversion of shops to residential use.
The principles set out in the design guidance are not specific to Liverpool Road or to the current grant scheme and can be applied city wide.
The council uses the design guidance in other building front improvement schemes being delivered in town centres in Salford West. Property owners are also encouraged to use the guidance in designing their own projects.
The design of new development can be an important material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications and the guidance sets out generally agreed good practice design principles, expanding on the adopted Design Supplementary Planning Document: "Shaping Salford".
Property owners and architects following the principles set out in these documents are more likely to produce proposals that can secure planning permission and achieve a conversion that has a positive impact on the streetscene.
If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.
This page was last updated on 6 April 2016