Greengate is the medieval heart of the city of Salford and lies on the Salford - Manchester border.
Greengate comprises 13 hectares of strategically located land bounded by the River Irwell, Victoria Bridge Street and Chapel Street, Blackfriars Road and Trinity Way, which forms part of the Manchester inner ring road.
Greengate is the original historic core of Salford and sits within the easternmost part of the city of Salford. Greengate is currently experiencing a period of intensive development activity and growth.
Further residential development such as One Greengate has added to the existing developments including Spectrum and Abito. Other development activity has continued with the completion of commercial schemes at 101 Embankment. The development pipeline in Greengate is strong with a significant number of residential units expected to be delivered in the next ten years across a number of high density schemes.
Since the adoption of the previous regeneration framework in 2014, the city council has commissioned additional studies both in respect of the Greengate area and also covering a wider geographical area. Key studies include: Greengate Cultural Study (2016), City Centre – Salford Economic Assessment (2016), Salford 2025 – A Modern Global City (2014).
The city council wishes to ensure that the policy framework for Greengate is up-to-date, robust and provides clear direction regarding what can be delivered in the area to ensure it becomes a successful and vibrant community that supports culture, heritage, active ground floor uses and public open spaces. To this end, the regeneration strategy has been updated to reflect what has already been delivered and to highlight the opportunities still offered by underutilised land such as the surface car parks, older industrial premises and vacant railway arches, together with supporting existing cultural uses such as Blueprint recording studios and the Eagle Public House.
Greengate sits in the heart of city centre Salford where the vision to 2040 is; for it to become a distinctive place to live, work and visit, proud to be more Brooklyn than Manhattan, where people and businesses, from near and far, can find the space they need to thrive, prosper, create and connect.
This refreshed Regeneration Strategy is intended to provide a broad framework to guide and influence the comprehensive delivery of development within Greengate rather than one which is prescriptive or could stifle imagination, creativity and quality.
Of significant importance to the success of this neighbourhood will be the delivery of high quality public realm which will include a new Greengate Park and connecting spaces and the creation of the Greengate Boulevard to link the existing Greengate Square together with the new park and Market Cross to the revitalised Collier Street Baths.
The Regeneration Strategy provides a positive vision for the development of the Greengate area. It sets out clear guidelines for those involved in the development process, and seeks to ensure that all new development in Greengate achieves the highest standards of quality and design. It will help to implement local and national planning policies. Although it does not provide new policies, it is a material consideration in determining applications for planning permission and guiding development in the Greengate area.
The regeneration strategy was adopted by Salford City Council on 14 May 2018 and can be downloaded below.
We undertook an eight week consultation on the draft regeneration strategy starting on 27 November 2017. As part of the consultation we held a drop-in session on the 13 December 2017.
The closing date for the consultation was 22 January 2018.
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This page was last updated on 30 May 2018