
Creating a new Pendleton 

Pendleton is changing. In 2013 the council began a long term partnership with Pendleton Together to regenerate the area. Work has started to create a fully thriving community and a neighbourhood of choice where people have a real pride in where they live. More information on how the plans were developed can be found in our commitment to the community… an Ideal for Living.

Pendleton redevelopment 

An adopted masterplan has been developed with the community that includes ambitious proposals to transform Pendleton with: 

  • 1,600 new homes 
  • a re-invigorated park, new usable green spaces and sports pitches
  • green energy, growing your own, 40% of waste recycled
  • 7 km of new paths and cycle routes,
  • 500 jobs, 2,000 work experience opportunities
  • a co-operative
  • a new theatre square

Over 350 new homes have been built to date including two new pocket parks. Around 40% of these new homes are affordable and have been prioritised in the first instance for residents affected by the clearance of their estate. Construction of a further 127 new homes is underway, with the first homes ready in December 2021

PFI investment into council homes 

Our ambitious proposals have meant that 1250 council owned homes have received significant PFI investment to modernise their homes including new windows and doors, roofs, kitchens, bathrooms and energy efficient heating systems as well as work to the environment around their property and estate. 

Do you want to live in the heart and soul of Salford? Find your next home now. 

Fire safety works  

Following the fire at Grenfell additional fire safety works are being carried out by Pendleton Together. These include the replacement of cladding and insulation and fitting new sprinklers in every flat.

All interim fire safety measures introduced post the Grenfell fire remain in place until the works are complete, including 24/7 fire marshals. 

Wider investment in Pendleton 

Other investment in Pendleton has seen improvements to six other tower blocks in the area including the latest investment at Fitzwarren Court by Salix Homes and the demolition of Cherry Tree Court by the Guinness Partnership. 

Investment in the public realm and transport links across the area has seen improvements delivered to Cross Lane, Liverpool Street and Belvedere Road. Work is also underway to the footpaths and highways around the shopping precinct as part of the Salford Bolton Network Improvements. 

Your community  

Residents were involved in developing plans for the area and to help monitor and improve how services are delivered in your area. You can see what the Pendleton Community are doing.

For updates, events and news about Pendleton, visit the Pendleton Together Facebook page. 

This page was last updated on 29 September 2021

Salford's towns

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