School organisation

The School Organisation and Assets Team delivers the Strategic Management of the People Services Educational Estate.

The team is responsible for the day to day service delivery supporting schools with the following:

Pupil Place Planning

Working with all schools and stakeholders to ensure that the Local Authority is meeting its statutory duty to provide sufficient school places across the city.

School Estate Management

Delivered through a partnership approach for strategic development and advice to schools. This includes capital building programmes (e.g. Basic Need and Capital Maintenance). To also manage, support and enhance the council’s existing property portfolio including the development and promotion of strategic property management activities.

PFI Contract Monitoring

Provide liaison and day to day monitoring of the PFI High School Contracts to ensure effective delivery according to the Authority’s requirements.

School Security

To offer advice and support to schools, provide specialist crime reduction advice and technical solutions to address issues around school security, crime and safety. For more information, please see our Safer Schools Hub website.

Business Continuity and Emergency Planning

To develop and enhance the strategic management of the People directorate’s emergency planning , resilience and business continuity activities and to provide advice and support to schools.

Schools ICT Managed Service Contract

Including the monitoring and performance evaluation of the delivery to schools in order to provide appropriate ICT service and infrastructure solutions for education.

About schools

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