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Information on school term dates

The councilĀ sets the school term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools.

The governing bodies of academies and voluntary aided schools set their own term dates but are encouraged to follow a similar pattern. Each school individually chooses when to hold their five teacher development days (known as 'inset days'). During these times, the school will also be closed to pupils.

The local authority term dates

Following a consultation with all governing bodies, the local authority follows criteria detailed below when setting term dates. This is mandatory for community and voluntary controlled schools. They are also recommended to the governing bodies of foundation and voluntary aided schools and academies:

  • All terms to start on a Monday (or a Tuesday if so necessitated by a bank holiday)
  • Autumn half term will always be the last full week in October
  • Spring half term will always be the third full week in February
  • The Easter break will always be the first two full weeks in April (regardless of where Easter itself actually falls)
  • Easter will always be observed by school closures on the bank holidays for Good Friday and Easter Monday
  • The Whitsun (summer) half term break will be one week
  • Where a school is open for part of a week to pupils, this will be for a minimum of three school days (to encourage attendance)
  • The five 'inset' days (teacher development days) are all to be designated by the individual schools governing bodies, but there will be no more than two days set consecutively for this purpose. This time could be designated as twilight sessions

The total number of days in the Salford scheme totals 190. This number of days is a statutory requirement.

All closures will be on the evening of the dates shown, openings will be on the mornings of the dates shown.

For academies, voluntary aided and foundation schools it is the school governing body which sets the schools term dates. If you have any questions about school term dates, pleaseĀ contact your school directly.

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