Search results

There are approximately 46 results for the search term 'autism':

Key Stage 3: Sensory and/or physical


See a glossary of terms used. Skill: General Getting advice, classroom adjustments Overall classroom approach. Use of curriculum/ screeners. Specific staff teaching/ support. Set-up of classroom

Key Stage 1: Sensory and/or physical


See a glossary of terms used. Skill: General Getting advice, classroom adjustments Overall classroom approach. Use of curriculum/ screeners. Specific staff teaching/ support. Set-up of classroom

Key Stage 2: Sensory and/or physical


See a glossary of terms used. Skill: General Getting advice, classroom adjustments Overall classroom approach. Use of curriculum/ screeners. Specific staff teaching/ support. Set-up of classroom

School age: Best practice walkthrough


Best practice walkthrough’ gives an overview of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and the graduated approach. It also provides guidance documents for parents. Whole school approaches School communit

19 to 24 years old


Are you looking for a new job, an apprenticeship or unsure what to do next?  Although it might feel tougher than usual there are still a wide range of options for you to consider. The most important t

16 to 18 years old


Have you have already left school or perhaps been on a college or training programme? Are you unemployed and not sure what to do? Although it might feel tougher than usual there are still a wide range