Search results

There are approximately 572 results for the search term 'early years':

Choosing quality childcare


Salford Starting Life Well Service provides free information and advice about childcare services for children in Salford. Salford has a wide range of quality childcare provision, Ofsted registered, wh

EYFS progress check at age two


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework (September 2012) requires that parents and carers must be supplied with a short written summary of their child's development in the three pr

Commissioning mental health services


Salford’s Locality Plan describes a relationship with local people, which is less about delivering services (except for acute and emergency situations) and more about recognising that most of the solu

Dog fouling


Whoopsies, doo-doos and poos are some of the cute names that are used to give a pleasant name to what is rather unpleasant subject. Dog faeces Despite our attempts to make light of the subject, it is

Child health


The Starting Life Well service hopes to bring you useful information on health and health related topics. Best start for life The pre-school years are an ideal time to establish healthy lifestyles and

Glossary: Key stage 1


In this section: Social emotional and mental health Cognition and learning Communication and interaction Sensory and/or physical Social emotional and mental health Name Description Cost

What is parental or carer advice and how do I submit it?


What is parental or carer advice? Parental advice is the legal term for the information that you (as a parent or carer) give the local authority as part of your child's Statutory Assessment. As a

Cancer awareness


Along with our partners we’re responsible for raising awareness of cancer screening programmes across the city and encouraging residents to look out for warning signs. Thousands of people beat cancer

Information and support for children and young people


The Healthy Child Programme is intended to support children and young people to make the best possible start in life. Starting well means that children and young people can achieve and maintain the be

Lots of fun for families at special open days for hubs offering support


Families can find out about all the support that’s available in Salford at special Family Hub open days during August. Salford’s family hubs will be having open days, to give local people the chance t