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Meetings for Licensing Regulatory Panel

DateThursday 22 January 2004
LocationA Committee Room, Salford Civic Centre
Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Declarations of Interest
3Consideration of Items in Parts I and II
4Minutes of Meeting held on 27th November, 2003
Licensing and Safety Regulatory Panel Minutes 27th November, 2003
5Issue of Charitable Collection Permits
Issue of Charitable Collection Permits (22/1/04)
6Application for a Public Entertainment Licence
Application for a Public Entertainments Licence (22/1/04)
7Application for the Variation of a Public Entertainment Licence
Application for a Variation to a Public Entertainments Licence #2 (22/1/04)
Application for a Variation to a Public Entertainments Licence #1 (22/1/04)
8Disability Discrimination Act 1985
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
9Caring Together - Previous Application for a House to House Collection by Way of Direct Debit Pledges
Caring Together - Application for House to House Collection by Way of Direct Debit Pledges
10Any other business of an urgent nature
11Part II - Exclusion of the Public
16Any other business of an urgent nature
Contact officer Mike Relph
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3013
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