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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 15 June 2004
LocationCommittee Room 4 , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton

1. This will be the Annual General Meeting of the Committee <br><br> 2. The date of the meeting has been adjusted to take account of the postponed Local Elections.

Item Subject
1Election Of Chairman

During 2003/04 a Community Representative - Norman Shacklady - was Chairman of the Committee
2Election of Deputy Chairman

During 2003/04 the Link Member - Councillor Daniels - was Deputy Chairman of the Committee.
3Membership of the Committee

Details of the Community representatives who are entitled to vote are enclosed. At the time of agenda dispatch the results of the Local Elections were not known . Details will be circulated at the meeting.
Revised membership
4Dates of meetings

If the past pattern of meetings is followed the Committee will meet at 7pm on the following Tuesdays :10th August , 2004, 12th October, 2004, 14th December, 2004 , 8th February , 2005 and 12th April ,2005.
5Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been submitted by Councillors B J and M Lea.
6Minutes of the meeting

To approve , as a correct record , the minutes of the meeting held on 13th April , 2004.
Mins of 130404
7Matters Arising

Minute 87 : Heating Equipment in Council Houses : This matter was discussed in detail at the Swinton ALMO on 27th May , 2004.

Minute 91 : Transport Issues - Mr Zott has clarified that the 22 Service referred to in the minute may be operated by Stagecoach rather than First Bus and that the PTA are making enquiries and that joint talks are taking place regarding the reference to the Traffic Commissioners. Mr Zott has also asked for his apologies for not attending the last meeting - due to a hospital appointment - to be recorded .

Minute 92 :Procedure for Erecting Signs to Deter Fouling by Dogs: The Director of Environmental Services has advised that the Council is looking at getting some 'permanent' dog fouling signs produced to supplement the existing self adhesive signs. Members may have noticed the larger (A3) more eye-catching magenta litter signs that are now being fitted around the city . The intention is to develop a similar warning sign with a dog fouling message. Suggestions for the text of this message are welcomed.
8Possible Development at Swinton Sewage Works

The Committee will be advised of the decision of the Council with regard to the UDP
9Arts in Swinton

Paul Mayers , Arts Officer for Swinton , will report on the activites which the Committee funded under the Swinton XS Project and seek opinions from Members on activites which might be introduced in the future.
XS Presentation Notes
10Pendlebury Coyotes

The Committee will receive a presentation on the activites of the Pendlebury Coyotes
11River Valley Credit Union

Peter Kelly will make a presentation on the activities of the Credit Union.
Credit Union
12Agora Pitch on Overdale Estate : Recent Developments
Agora Pitch : progress
13Budget Sub Group

(a)To consider the recommendations of the Budget Sub Group made on 25th May , 2004, with regard to applications for funding under the Devolved and the Community Use of Schools Budgets ( attention is drawn to application 5 which the Sub Group referred to the Committee for a decision)

(b)To note the Financial Position Statement as at 30th April , 2004 ,

(c) To approve schemes for Funding under the Community Use of Schools Budget , 2004/ 2005

(d)To consider re-appointing the Budget Sub Group for 2004/05.In 2003/04 the following Members served on the Budget Sub Group :Pendlebury Ward - Councillor B.J. Lea and Christine Sigurnjak, Swinton North Ward - Councillor Dawson and Norman Shacklady and Swinton South Ward - Councillor Daniels and Mrs. Gray with Marlene Goode as substitute.

(e)To note the provisional Community Committee Budget for 2004/05.
Appendix to Budget report
Decisions of the Budget Sub Group 25/5/04
Budgets for 2004/05
Financial St'ment , Comm Use of schools and Art Factory
14Items for Information.
(a) Community Green Space . Attached are extracts from the Community Green Space website which may be of use to community groups.
Community Green Newsletter
15Any Other Business
(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group
(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered
So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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