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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 12 October 2004
LocationCommittee Room 4, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton

An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website :

Item Subject
1Apologies for Absence
2Membership of the Committee

The Committee is asked to note that (a) This will be the first meeting attended by Heidi Finlay who has been appointed Neighbourhood Manager for the Swinton area and (b) Following revisions to Ward boundaries Messrs Bennett and Critchley of the Moorside South Residents Association will be attending meetings of the Worsley / Boothstown Community Committee.
3Minutes of Proceedings

The Committee is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10th August , 2004, as a correct record subject to Minute 28 (3) being amended to clarify that the Area Co-Ordinator authorised a grant of 500 pounds and an annual grant of 215 pounds for grass cutting and maintenance at the Campbell Road Playing Fields .
Mins of 100804
4Matters arising
m/a from 100804
5Independent Swinton Supporters and Community Mutual

The Committee will receive a presentation on the activities of the group
6New Government Anti Social Behaviour Policies and Procedures Consultation

The Committee will receive a presentation of about 30 minutes duration.
ASBO Presentation
7Salford Community Radio

A short report is enclosed seeking the support of the Committee for the development of the not-for-profit 'Salford Community Radio' community enterprise,
SCR Radio
8Pendlebury Coyotes

The Committee will receive a presentation on the activities of the Coyotes
9Budget Sub Group

(a)To consider the recommendations of the Budget Sub Group made on 28th September, 2004, with regard to applications for funding under the Devolved and the Community Use of Schools Budgets. Adrian Wilkinson of the Art Factory will attend the meeting to respond to questions raised at the Budget Sub Group regarding the application from that organisation ( application number 7 refers )

(b)To note the Financial Position Statement as at 21st September , 2004 ,
Budget Sub 280904
Financial statement 270904
10Items for Information

(a) Living Spaces - At the meeting on 14th October, 2003 ( Minute 49 refers ) the Committee was given details of the Living Spaces Programme which sought to help groups make tangible and lasting changes to their local environment. Living Spaces have given notice that (i) no applications have been made from this area , (ii) due to the high number of schemes received no further applications can be accepted and (iii) efforts are being made to ensure that Living Spaces , or a similar type of scheme , will continue in the future .

(b) Engaging with Democracy - Members are encouraged to take part in the workshops which are being organised for anyone wishing to become more active in the community .
Training Workshops
11Any Other Business

(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group

(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered . So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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