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Meetings for Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee

DateTuesday 5 October 2004
LocationHawkshaw Court, Howard Street, off Eccles New Road, Salford.
Item Subject
1Apologies for absence.
2To agree, as a correct record, the Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 3rd August, 2004.
Action Sheet arising from the Community Committee meeting held on 3rd August, 2004.
3Matters arising.
4Salford Local Link. How well is Local Link working? Transport to Community Committee Meetings (Jamie Shepherd/Jo Sugden).
5New Anti Social Behaviour Policies - what do you think? (Marilyn Thornley)
New Anti Social Behaviour Policies
6Salford Community Radio - should it continue?
Salford Community Radio
7Ordsall Development Framework - final report now available (Barry Whitmarsh, Development Services Directorate)
Ordsall Development Framework
8Neighbourhood Management Update (Ross Spanner).
9Buile Hill Park Development/Former Mining Museum/Hotel Proposals (Stephen Williams, Environmental Services Directorate).
10Budget Decisions/Budget Group Membership (Ross Spanner).
Decisions arising from the meeting of the Budget Sub Group held on 24th September, 2004
Community Use of Schools - Financial Position Statement as at 14th September, 2004
Devolved Budget - Financial Position Statement as at 14th September, 2004
11Training for Community Committees (Ross Spanner).
12Budget Consultation - would you like the chance to help the Council decide how it spends its budget? (Ross Spanner).
13Information Exchange.
14Any Other Business.
15Item for Information: Church of England Parishes in Ordsall - Report.
Church of England Parishes in Ordsall
16Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 7th December, 2004.
Contact officer Claire Edwards
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161-793-2602
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