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Meetings for Council Meeting

DateWednesday 17 November 2004
LocationCouncil Chamber, Salford Civic Centre, Swinton

Members are requested to ensure that their mobile phones are switched off during the Council meeting

Item Subject
2Apologies for Absence
3Declarations of Interests
4Mayor's Citizens Award
5Minutes of the meeting held on 20th October, 2004
Minutes 20/10/04
6To approve the following motion. At the Council meeting held on 20th October, 2004, this was approved as an amendment to a Notice of Motion (minute 80 refers), but was not put as the substantive motion. " That the Council :- Deplores the recent decision to discontinue the scheme to expand the Metrolink system after 200m of preparatory work has been done. Resolves to support the all party campaign supported by trade unions, businesses and the community to get 'Metrolink back on track' and urges all parties to get fully behind the campaign."
7Receipt of petitions/communications.
8Questions and Comments on the discharge of functions of the undermentioned authorities and bodies to be answered by the Members indicated.
8AFire and Civil Defence - Councillor Wilson
8BPassenger Transport - Councillor Warner
8CPolice - Councillor Connor
8DWaste Disposal - Councillor Lancaster
8EOutside Bodies - Appropriate Councillors
9General Questions and Comments to Lead Members on the discharge of responsibilities within their portfolios, including the cross cutting issues shown in brackets. Members may refer to any matter contained in the appendices to the agenda
9ACouncillor Merry - Leader of the Council (Neighbourhood Management, Communications and Marketing, Strategic Overview, Regeneration Matters, Policy, Performance and Best Value)
9BCouncillor Lancaster - Deputy Leader of the Council (Community Safety, Service Reviews, Crime and Disorder, Electoral Matters, Targets and Pledges, Property, Customer Focus and Waste Disposal)
9CCouncillor Warmisham - Children and Youth (Asylum Seekers and Refugees)
9DCouncillor Sheehy - Community Health and Social Care
9ECouncillor Warner - Culture and Sport
9FCouncillor Hinds - Customer and Support Services (Implementation of the Gershon Report)
9GCouncillor Mann - Education Services
9HCouncillor Connor - Housing
9ICouncillor M. Lea - Environment
9JCouncillor Antrobus - Planning
10Issues for Chairs of Scrutiny Committees
11Appointments (a) To agree to Councillor Pooley being appointed to serve on the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel in place of the late Councillor Hayes. (b) To agree to Councillor Gray replacing Councillor Macdonald on the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
12To delegate authority to Lead Member to appoint a Member to join the Board of the Manchester City Centre Management Committee
13Amendments to the Council Constitution
Amendments to the Council Constitution
14To consider the undermentioned Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Jim King and seconded by Councillor John Cullen. "That the Council :- Appreciates the fact that Radio Regen has run a successful radio broadcast pilot scheme in Salford over the past number of years. We believe that valuable experience has been gained as a result of this and that the pilot scheme was seen to be successful by many communities in the city. The City Council therefore supports Salford Community Radio's bid to Ofcom for a permanent five year licence and wish them every success in their bid."
Contact officer Lynne Slamon
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3007
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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