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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 12 April 2005
LocationThe Council Chamber , Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road , Swinton

1. So as to allow sufficent time to deal with all items on this agenda the presentation on the Swinton Masterplan will end at 8pm and , if necessary , the Committee will adjourn and re-convene in Committee Room 4.<br><br> 2. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : <br><br>3. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting .<br><br>4. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.

Item Subject
1Presentation: The Swinton Masterplan

The meeting will start with a presentation from Councillor Antrobus , Lead Member for Planning , on the Swinton Masterplan giving an outline of proposals for the development of the town centre .

Although questions will be taken this is not intended to be an in-depth discussion on particular parts of the plan and the presentation and debate will end at 8pm to allow the Committee time to deal with other matters set out in the agenda .

Members of the public who are attending only for this item should note that a public meeting on the Masterplan has been arranged for 27th April , 2005.
Swinton TC : questionnaire
2Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been submitted by Councillors Cullen and Dawson
3Management of the Meeting

So as to make sure that sufficient time is allowed for all items to be discussed Members are asked to indicate , by show of hands , if they wish to raise any items of additional business towards the end of the meeting .
4Membership of the Committee

Following a bi-election on 10th March, 2005, Councillor Val Burgoyne has replaced the late Councillor Daniels as a representative of the Swinton South Ward
5Minutes of Proceedings

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8th February , 2005 , and , in approving Minute 82 ( Budget Sub Group) to ( a ) note that the grant of £ 1, 600 paid to the Clifton Charity Shop included £500 towards the running costs of the shop and ( b ) agree to an annual grant of £ 500 being made for this purpose with effect from 1st April , 2005
Mins of 080205
Appendix to mins of 080205
6Matters Arising

(a)Minute 74 refers : An update will be given on proposals to undertake consultation with the wider community on the Community Action Plan

(b)Minute 87 : Councillor Keith Mann , Lead Member for Education , will attend the meeting to respond to the concerns expressed about the examination results from Moorside and Swinton High Schools being well below average .

(c)Minute 84 refers: Copies of the Swinton Newsletter for April to June will be available at the meeting .
Swinton High School newsletter
7Budget Sub - Group

(a)To consider the recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 29th March , 2005.

(b)To note the financial statement as at 17th March , 2005
Budget Sub 290305
Budget Mon 120405b
Budget Mon 120405a
8Items for Information

(a)Together Action Areas : enclosed are details of the ' Together' Initiative for reporting anti-social behaviour via a dedicated telephone number of 8045 605 22 22

(b)Members are asked to note that the Greater Manchester Police Authority has introduced a period at the start of their meetings during which the public may submit questions ; details are available from Paul Leeming on telephone number 0161-793-3021.

(c)Enclosed are details of events to be held as part of the Engaging Democracy campaign
Together Action Areas
Together Intitiative 2
Together Intiiative 1
Engaging Democracy
9Date of Next Meeting

To be held at 7pm on Tuesday , 14th June , 2005 . Members wishing to submit any items for inclusion in the agenda for that meeting are asked to complete and return the attached form to the Neighbourhood Manager by 31st May, 2005.
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