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Meetings for East Salford Community Committee

DateThursday 24 November 2005
LocationBroughton D@tabase, Camp Street, Broughton, Salford

Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.

Item Subject
a01Members of the Community wishing to become Members of this Committee should complete the attached form 'Nomination for Membership of the East Salford Community Committee' and return it to Mike McHugh.
Nomination for Membership of the East Salford Community Committee
a02Members of the Community wishing to be included on the mailing list of this Committee should complete the attached form 'Mailing List' and return it to Mike McHugh.
'Mailing List'
a03A list of Committee Members eligible to participate in voting at the meeting is attached. Members are asked to note that one vote is allocated to each nominated group. If a group has nominated more one individual and a vote is required, the representatives must decide which of them will act on behalf of the Group.
Eligible Committee Members
a04Members of the Community wishing to include items for consideration on the Agenda for meetings of this Committee are asked to complete the attached form 'Items for Future Meetings' and return it to Mike McHugh.
'Items for Future Meetings'
a05Members of the Community wishing to include items for consideration on the Agenda in the 'Community Issues' items for meetings of this Committee are asked to complete the attached form 'Community Issues' and return it to Mike McHugh.
'Community Issues'
b01Apologies for absence
b02Policing Update
b03Community Issues
b04To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September, 2005.
Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September, 2005 - Appendix
Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September, 2005
b05Matters Arising
Douglas Green
David Lewis Park
b06East Salford Community Action Plan
b07Budget Sub-Committee
Budget Sub-Committee - Statement
Budget Sub-Committee - Minutes
b08Regeneration Update
Regeneration Update - Neighbourhood Management
b09Any Other Business
b10Date and time of next meeting - Thursday, 26th January, 2006, at 6.30pm in a venue either Kersal or Irwell Riverside.
Contact officer Mike McHugh
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone (0161) 793 3011
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