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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 13 December 2005
LocationCommittee Room 4 , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton

1. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : <br><br>2. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting .<br><br>3. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item<br><br>4. Seasonal refreshments will be served

Item Subject
1Apologies for Absence
2Management of the Meeting

So as to make sure that sufficient time is allowed for all items to be discussed Members are asked to indicate , by show of hands , if they wish to raise any items of additional business towards the end of the meeting .
3Policing Issues
4Swinton Car Club

Representatives of the Club will give a verbal report on their activities which have been funded by the Committee.
5Minutes of Proceedings

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11th October, 2005
Minutes of 111005 incl Budget Decisions
6Matters Arising

(a) Minute 40 : The Committee's appreciation of the hospitality , talent and hard work of the pupils and staff of the Swinton High School , at which the last meeting was held , has been conveyed to the headteacher , John Biddlestone. He has invited the Committee to hold another meeting at the school. Members are asked to consider if they would like to :
accept this invitation had hold another meeting at the school
decline the invitation and approach the other two Swinton High Schools and see if they would be willing to host a meeting of the Community Committee as part of their ' Citizenship' module
accept the invitation and approach the other High Schools as well

(b) Minute 49 : To note that the application from Groundwork Manchester , Salford and Trafford for funding towards the cost of sessional workshops has been withdrawn .
7Review of Community Facilities in Swinton

Officers from the Scrutiny Team will report on a review which is being undertaken of community facilities in Swinton
A review of community facilities in Swinton
8Masterplan for the Newlands/LIVIA Projects

Tim Jones , Principal Planner (Environment and Projects ) , will (a) present the Masterplan for the LIVIA Project and (b) give an update so as to assist the Committee in monitoring progress on these projects .
9Coalfield Communities Campaign

Anton Schultz - Groundwork Manchester, Salford and Trafford - will give an update so as to assist the Committee in monitoring progress on projects under this Campaign .
10Fairtrade Fortnight

Representatives of the Salford Fairtrade Group will report on the preparations for Fairtrade Fortnight which will take place in March , 2006.
11Swinton Detached Youth Workers

The Committee will be given an update on the work of the Team .
12Budget Sub - Group

(a)To consider any recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at ( or , in the case of late applications , after and in consultation with officers ) their meeting on 29th November, 2005.

(b)To note the financial statement .

(c)To confirm the action of the Area Co-Ordinator in approving a grant of £ 360 towards the cost of the Valley Residents' Over 50s Group 's Christmas Celebrations ( comprising room hire , refreshments and entertainment ) and to note that the Group have contributed £ 100 .

(d) To note the attached summary of the uses made by groups of grants made in the past - a verbal update will be given at the meeting on any of the projects of interest to Members .
Use of grants 131205
Budget Sub 291105 ( incl mon sheets )
13Items for Information

(a) Details of a mural at the Clifton Youth Club are enclosed .

(b) Details of the Pendlebury Area Community Entreprise are enclosed.

(c) A number of documents will be available for reference at the meeting including
Issue 3 of the Newsletter of Partners in Salford
The Newsletter of the Swinton Open Space Community Association
Issue 4 of the Overview and Scrutiny Newsletter
A questionnaire seeking views on local GP services .
Clifton Art Project ( Mural )
14Any Other Business

(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group

(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered .

So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
15Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Community Committee will be held at 7pm on Tuesday , 14th February , 2006.
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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