Date | Tuesday 1 November 2005 |
Time | 7.00pm |
Location | St. Philip's CE Primary School, Barrow Street, Salford M3 5LF |
Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.
Item | Subject |
1 | Apologies for absence. |
2 | To agree, as a correct record, the Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 6th September, 2005. Action Sheet arising from Community Committee meeting held on 6th September, 2005. |
3 | Matters arising. |
4 | What is happening in the Chapel Street area? Your chance to ask Peter Baker, Chapel Street Project Co-ordinator. |
5 | Community Action Plan - the final version. |
6 | Find out how you can get involved in healthy activities in your area - Marie Taylor, Health Action Team. |
7 | Good News/Information Exchange. |
8 | What is the future for the Seedley and Langworthy Trust? Tonight you can ask Sophie Murray, SALT Co-ordinator. |
9 | Would you like to be a member of the Pendleton Masterplanning Steering Group? Deborah MacDonald is looking for representation from the newly extended area. |
10 | Do you know anyone who wants to work in the film industry? Find out how you can IN Salford from Simon Powell of Looking Glass Films. |
11 | Budget Sub Group - the Community Committee is asked to consider the group's recommendations on latest applications. |
12 | Budget Consultation 2006-07. |
13 | Any Other Business. |
14 | Items for Information:- (i) Community Justice in Salford - a new initiative to deal with anti social behaviour in the community, and (ii) Flu vaccination - public 'drop in' events. |
15 | Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 10th January, 2006. |
Contact officer | Claire Edwards |
Title | Senior Democratic Services Advisor |
Telephone | 0161-793-2602 | |