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Meetings for Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee

DateTuesday 1 November 2005
LocationSt. Philip's CE Primary School, Barrow Street, Salford M3 5LF

Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence.
2To agree, as a correct record, the Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 6th September, 2005.
Action Sheet arising from Community Committee meeting held on 6th September, 2005.
3Matters arising.
4What is happening in the Chapel Street area? Your chance to ask Peter Baker, Chapel Street Project Co-ordinator.
5Community Action Plan - the final version.
6Find out how you can get involved in healthy activities in your area - Marie Taylor, Health Action Team.
7Good News/Information Exchange.
8What is the future for the Seedley and Langworthy Trust? Tonight you can ask Sophie Murray, SALT Co-ordinator.
9Would you like to be a member of the Pendleton Masterplanning Steering Group? Deborah MacDonald is looking for representation from the newly extended area.
10Do you know anyone who wants to work in the film industry? Find out how you can IN Salford from Simon Powell of Looking Glass Films.
11Budget Sub Group - the Community Committee is asked to consider the group's recommendations on latest applications.
12Budget Consultation 2006-07.
13Any Other Business.
14Items for Information:- (i) Community Justice in Salford - a new initiative to deal with anti social behaviour in the community, and (ii) Flu vaccination - public 'drop in' events.
15Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 10th January, 2006.
Contact officer Claire Edwards
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161-793-2602
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