View archived meeting

Meetings for Budget and Audit Scrutiny Committee

DateWednesday 2 November 2005
LocationCommittee Room 2

A briefing for members will take place from 9.30 - 9.45

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Committee to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the Agenda
3Do members have an interest to declare in any agenda items
4Training - A presentation on the role of Internal Audit
5Revenue Budget 2005/06: budget monitoring
Revenue Budget 2005/06
6Capital Budget 2005/06: monitoring
Capital receipts 2005/06
Capital Budget 2005/06
7Action sheet and any matters arising from the meeting held on 5th October, 2005
8Committee Work Programme
9Any other business
Contact officer Peter Kidd
Title Scrutiny Support Officer
Telephone 0161 793 3322
Fax 0161 794 2027
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