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View archived meeting

Meetings for East Salford Community Committee

DateThursday 26 January 2006
LocationThe Albion High School, London Street, Salford

Elected Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.<br><br> <u>INFORMATION</u><br><br> (i) 'Nomination for Membership of the East Salford Community Committee' Form.<br><br> (ii) 'Mailing List' Form. <br><br> (iii) 'Members eligible to Vote'. Members are asked to note that one vote is allocated to each nominated group. If a group has nominated more than one individual and a vote is required, the representatives must decide which of them will act on behalf of the Group.<br><br> (iv) 'Items for Future Meetings' Form. <br><br> (v) 'Community Issues' Form.

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Policing Update
3Community Issues
5To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 24th November, 2005
Minutes - 24th November, 2005
Minutes 24th November, 2005 - Appendix 2
Minutes 24th November, 2005 - Appendix 1
Minutes 24th November, 2005 - Appendix 3
6Matters Arising
6aLandlords, Housing and the Immigrant Population
6bDavid Lewis Playing Field
6cCommunity Representation on the East Salford Executive Group
7Budget Sub-Committee
Budget Sub-Committee Minutes - 10th January, 2006
8Budget Sub-Committee Membership
9Community Foundation Local Network Team
10New Deal for Communities Partnership Board - Two Vacancies
11Environmental Task Group - Update
12Regeneration Update
12aNeighbourhood Management Team
12bChapel Street
12cLower Broughton Regeneration Partnership.
12dNew Deal for Communities
13Any other Business
14Date and time of next meeting - Thursday, 23rd March, 2006, at 6.30pm at a venue to be arranged.
Contact officer Mike McHugh
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone (0161) 793 3011
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