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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 11 April 2006
LocationCommittee Room 4 , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton

1. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : <br><br>2. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting .<br><br>3. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item

Item Subject
1Apologies for Absence
2Management of , and attendance at, the Meeting

So as to make sure that sufficient time is allowed for all items to be discussed Members are asked to indicate , by show of hands , if they wish to raise any items of additional business towards the end of the meeting .

Attending the meeting will be Tracy Jacobs and Brenda Worthington who have recently been appointed as, respectively, Community Development Worker and Community Health Development Worker for Swinton .
3Policing Issues
4Minutes of Proceedings

Members are asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14th February , 2006.
appendix to feb mins
Mins of 140206 incl BSG
5Matters Arising

Minute 70 : Members are asked to note that arrangements have been made for the meetings scheduled for 20th June and 10th October, 2006, to be held , respectively at the Moorside and Swinton High Schools . The headteacher of St Ambrose Barlow High School will be retiring in September so that it might be better to raise the subject of holding a meeting at that school with his successor.

Members are asked to note that the June meeting will undertake a number of annual procedural items including the election of the Chair . It would be helpful if any nominations could be made in advance of the meeting .
6Swinton Families

Nichola Ramsden will make a presentation on the activities of Swinton Families
7The Eden Project

Ruth Lacey will report on the use of the grant paid to The Eden Project ( Minute 62 refers) for equipment hire
8Arts Development

Kate Robertson , Principal Officer - - will report on the use made of the grant paid 8th February , 2005 ( Minute 82 refers ) to fund the post of a Part - Time Arts Worker and on plans for the future
9Coalfields Communities Campaign and Youth Panel

Anton Schultz of Groundwork Salford and Trafford Trust will give an update on the Campaign and will report on the use made by the Trust of the grant paid on 13th December, 2005, for a Youth Panel ( Minute 62 refers)
10Newlands/LIVIA Projects

Tim Jones , Principal Planner (Environment and Projects ) , will give an update so as to assist the Committee in monitoring progress on these projects .
11Budget Sub - Group.

(a)To consider any recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 4th April , 2006,

(b)To note the financial statement .
Budbet Sub 040406
12Possible BBC Relocation to Salford Quays

The Committee is asked to consider expressing support for the possible Relocation of the BBC to Salford Quays
Possible BBC Relocation to Salford Quays
13Items for Information

The Overview and Scrutiny Team has produced a Newsletter and a questionnaire on young people and alcohol . Copies of which will be available at the meeting . Members are asked to consider completing and returning the questionnaire
14Any Other Business

(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group

(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered .

So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
15Date Of Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet at 7pm on Tuesday , 20th June , 2006, at the Moorside High School .
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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