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Meetings for Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee

DateTuesday 7 March 2006
LocationThe Neighbourhood Building, 2 Robert Hall Street, Ordsall.
Item Subject
1Apologies for absence.
2To agree, as a correct record, the Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 10th January 2006.
Action Sheet arising from the Community Committee meeting held on 10th January 2006.
3Matters arising.
4Update on new (LIFT) Health Centre in Pendleton (Steve Whittaker, Salford PCT).
5Councillor Jim King, Chair of Salford's Fairtrade Steering Group, will explain what Fairtrade is all about and how you can get involved in the city's Fairtrade activities.
6Jobshops. Where are they? What can they do for local people? (Anne Worsley, Employment & Regeneration Partnership).
7Salford Sioux - find out about Sioux Indians living in Salford and what it might mean to us (Steve Coen).
The Salford Sioux
8BBC Relocation.
9Budget Sub Group - the Community Committee is asked to consider the group's recommendations on latest applications.
Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Budget Sub Group held on 25th January 2006.
Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Budget Sub Group held on 22nd February 2006
10Items for information: (i) Making It Better for Children, Young People, Parents and Babies Consultation Response Form (Option C is the only option that involves the retention of the maternity unit and neonatal intensive care unit at Hope Hospital). For further information - or tel. 0800 587 2901, (ii) Main points arising from meetings of the Local Executive Group.
Making It Better for Children, Young People, Parents and Babies - Response Form
11Any other business.
12Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 2nd May 2006, 7.00 p.m.
Contact officer Claire Edwards
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161-793-2602
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