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Meetings for Council Meeting

DateWednesday 15 March 2006
LocationCouncil Chamber, Salford Civic Centre.

Members are requested to ensure that their mobile telephones are switched off during the Council meeting.

Item Subject
2Apologies for absence.
3Declarations of interest. (Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the chamber during the discussion and voting on the item).
4Mayor's Citizens Award - To be presented to Jean Barlow nominated by Mr. R.D. Boyd
5Minutes of the meeting held on 15th February and the Extraordinary meeting held on 1st March, 2006.
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th February,2006
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 1st March,2006
6Receipt of petitions/communications
7Statement by the Chief Executive.
8Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution
9Appointment to an Outside Body
102006/07 Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy.
Treasury Management Strategy 2006/7
11Establishment of an Audit Committee
Establishment of an Audit Committee
12Annual Audit and Inspection Letter
Annual Audit and Inspection letter
13Joint Waste Development Plan and Greater Manchester Joint Committee
Joint Waste Disposal Plan and GM Joint Committee
14Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust
Joint Health Overview Committee for Bolton,Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust Appendix 1
Joint Health Overview Committee for Bolton,Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust
Joint Health Overview Committee for Bolton,Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust Appendix b
15Questions and Comments on the discharge of functions of the undermentioned authorities and bodies to be answered by the Members indicated
15aPassenger Transport - Councillor Warner
15bPolice - Councillor Lancaster.
15cWaste Disposal - Councillor Maureen Lea
15dFire and Rescue - Councillor Wilson
15eOutside Bodies - Appropriate Councillors.
16General Questions and Comments to Lead Members on the discharge of responsibilities within their portfolios, including the cross-cutting issues shown in brackets. Members may refer to any matter contained in the appendices to this agenda
16aCouncillor Merry - Leader of the Council (Communications and Marketing; Performance and Best Value; Policy, Regeneration Matters; Strategic Overview)
16bCouncillor Lancaster - Deputy Leader of the Council (Community Safety; Crime and Disorder; Electoral Matters; Property; Service Reviews; Targets and Pledges; and Waste Disposal)
16cCouncillor Hinds - Customer and Support Services (Implementation of the Gershon Report)
16dCouncillor M. Lea - Environment
16eCouncillor Connor - Housing
16fCouncillor Antrobus - Planning
16gCouncillor Mann - Service Development/Neighbourhood Management (Asylum Seekers and Refugees)
16hCouncillor Sheehy - Adult Services Adult Services (Asylum - Link Age Seekers and Refugees Assisting Councillor Mann)
16iCouncillor Warmisham - Children's Services
16jCouncillor Warner - Culture and Sport
17Issues for Chairs of Scrutiny Committees.
18Notice of Motion

To consider the undermentioned Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor K. Garrido and seconded by Councillor Macdonald.

"That this City Council would support the establishment of a directly elected Police Authority for Greater Manchester, which would consist solely of elected members on the basis of one member per Greater Manchester Parliamentary Constituency."
Contact officer Vincent Joseph
Title Head of Democratic Services
Telephone 0161 793 3009
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