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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 20 June 2006
LocationThe Drama Studio , in the Main Building The Moorside High School , East Lancashire Road, Swinton

1. Please note that this meeting will be held at the Moorside High School ( access to the car park is via Wentworth Road ) rather than the Salford Civic Centre and will commence at the earlier time of 6pm with a view to ending by no later than 8pm <br><br> 2. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : <br><br>3. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting .<br><br>4. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.<br><br>5. This meeting will fulfil the procedural requirements of the Annual General Meeting

Item Subject
1This meeting will be held at the Moorside High School. Members will be given a presentation on the achievements of , and developments at , the school by Charles Mills , headteacher .
2Procedural Matters

This meeting will fulfil the requirements of the Annual General Meeting . Members are asked , therefore to consider the enclosed procedural matters
Annual procedures
3Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been submitted by Councillors Cullen and B J and M Lea and Nichola Ramsden
4Management of the Meeting

So as to make sure that sufficient time is allowed for all items to be discussed Members are asked to indicate , by show of hands , if they wish to raise any items of additional business towards the end of the meeting .
This will be the last meeting that Alan Eastwood , Area Co-Ordinator , will attend prior to leaving the Council . Mr. Eastwood would like to address the Committee at the end of the meeting .
5Policing Issues
6Minutes of Proceedings

To approve ,as a correct record , the minutes of the meeting held on 11th April , 2006
Mins of 110406 incl BSG
7Matters Arising

Arising from Minute 93 the Committee will receive further information from Emily Wells on the Swinton Detached Youth Service
The Neighbourhood Manager will report on the availablity of Youth Work Funding for the Service .
8Pendlebury Coyotes

The Committee will recieve feedback on the recent activites of the Coyotes and be asked to consider the design of the uniforms ( a colour insert of the uniform is enclosed ) . Members of the Team will be present to thank the Committee for their support
Pendlebury Coyotes 200606
9Community Health and Well- Being Fund and Choosing Health in Salford

Vicky Halliwell , Health Improvement Officer , will report on this Fund and Initiative

On another health-related subject :Enclosed are details of Heartstart Salford . Members are asked to consider taking part in this free emergency life support training Initiative as individuals or groups . Elizabeth Charnley, Community Co-ordinator,is willing to contact groups direct about this Initiative. Mrs Charnley can be contacted on telephone number 07870 40 45 44 or to book courses for groups or individuals, contact the Heartstart Co-ordinator Ann Wolfendale at Heartstart Salford, Eccles College, Chatsworth Road , Eccles, M30 9FJ, phone 0161 785 2428
Presentation : Choosing Health in Salford
Community Health and Wellbeing Fund
heartstart 200606
10Highway Investment Programme/Block 3 Transport Capital Programme 2006/07

In 2006 , for the first time, Salford City Council is devolving a significant minor works budget to each Community Committee (up to £100,000 / annum) to be spent on highways in the area . A report of the Lead Member for Planning is enclosed giving guidance on this new approach. The Swinton Political Executive would recommend that funds be made available from this allocation to meet the cost of elements of community parking schemes details of which are set out in the enclosed note from the Lead Member.In addition a pupil from Swinton High School has developed proposals for a 'safer route' to that school and may attend the meeting to give Members details .
Highway Investment Programme/Block 3 Transport Capital Programme 2006/07
11Community Action Plan

To consider the enclosed draft of the CAP for Swinton . Members should note that the Colour coding on the draft describes the response received from the various parties to the issue
Red - Negative response received. Priority will not be delivered by lead agency.
Green - Positive response received. It has either been delivered or will be delivered by agency.
Yellow - No response/unclear response received by agency.
CAP for 2006/07
12Budget Sub - Group.

(a)To consider any recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 6th June , 2006,

(b)To note the financial statement .
BSG 060606
fps 200606
13Items for Information

(a)The new planning system includes a statutory requirement that the Council produce a document called ' the Statement of Community Involvement' . This will set out how people will be consulted on all the planning documents that the Council will produce and on planning applications. It is , therefore , an important document and the Council is keen to ensure that the way people are consulted is relevant and meaningful. Accordingly a workshop/conference will be held on the morning of Friday , 30th June , 2006, to which as many different groups and organisations as possible are to be invited. The purpose of the workshop is to find out how people want to be consulted. Invitations have been sent to all tenants and residents groups and as many forums/groups as possible . Attached is a flyer regarding the Conference which will be appearing in Life IN Salford and various community newsletters . It would , however , be appreciated if Members could make their nominating organisations aware of the event .

(b) Enclosed are details of a Mediation Service which is available to try and resolve disputes

(c)Enclosed are details of the Friends of Victoria Park which may be of interest

(d)The latest issue of the Swinton Open Space CA Newsletter will be available at the meeting .

(e) Jobshop +: enclosed are details of a new drop-in service from the Clifton Resource Centre.

(f) Enclosed are details of the Salford Victim Support and Witness Service

(g)Local Nature Reserve ( LNR) - to celebrate the designation of the Clifton Country Park as a LNR there will be a Picnic in the Park on 12th July , 2006
Planning Consultation
Friends Of Victoria Pk
Salford Victim Support and Witness Service : Details
Salford Mediation
Salford Victim Support and Witness Service: Flyer
Picnic in the Park
14Any Other Business

(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group

(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered .

So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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