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View archived meeting

Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 12 December 2006
LocationCommittee Room 4 , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton

1. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : <br><br>2. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting .<br><br>3. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item<br><br>4. Please turn off all mobile phones

Item Subject
1Area Co-Ordinator

Kevin Brady (Assistant Chief Executive) has formally taken over the position of Area Co-ordinator for Swinton

This will be that last meeting that Heidi Finlay will be attending prior to taking up a post with Rossendale Borough Council.

Tracy Jacobs, Community Development Worker, will provide cover pending the appointment of a new Neighbourhood Manager.
2Apologies for Absence
3Management of the Meeting

So as to make sure that sufficient time is allowed for all items to be discussed Members are asked to indicate , by show of hands , if they wish to raise any items of additional business towards the end of the meeting .

Community representatives are asked to consider whether it would be helpful to include in future agenda an item on Community Issues to enable them to raise matters of concern to their local area.
4Policing Issues
Friends of LIVIA
5Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October, 2006
Minutes of the Swinton Community Cttee held on 10/10/06
6Matters Arising
(a)Arising from the meeting on 22nd August , 2006, the Committee will be given an evaluation of the 2006 Programme of Summer Activities
(b) Minute 37 refers : the first meeting of the SOSCA Steering Committee has taken place and a brief report will be made at the meeting .
7Pendlebury Coyotes : Update

The Committee , at their meeting on 20th June , 2006, approved a design for the Club Shirt which the Coyotes would wear when playing in the 2006 World Amateur Inline Championships . Enclosed is a comprehensive report on the activities of the Club including details of their success in the European Championships and their achievements in the World Championships . The report acknowledges the support which the Club has received from Community Committee and Salford City Council.
The Committee will have the chance to watch a short film ( approx 10 minutes ) to give the atmosphere of the championships .
Pendlebury Coyotes Update - November, 2006 (Part1)
Pendlebury Coyotes Update - November, 2006 (Part3)
Pendlebury Coyotes Update - November, 2006 (Part2)
Pendlebury Coyotes Update - November, 2006 (Part4)
8Coalfields Communities Campaign

Anton Schultz of Groundwork Salford and Trafford Trust will give an update on the Campaign and a presentation on completed schemes. He may refer also to the recent success of the Beech Farm Residents Assocation in securing funding under the Big Lottery Fund for a community garden .
Beech Fm Community Garden
9Newlands/LIVIA Projects

The lease of Council land to the Forestry Commission has been completed . This effectively releases almost £5m of Newlands funding to the Forestry Commission to start to improve the area. The Forestry Commission will now take responsibility for management and maintenance of Council land in the LIVIA area and Lee Dudley of the Commission, will give an update so as to assist the Committee in monitoring progress on these projects .
Forestry Commission
10Why is the Salford Agreement important?

Janice Lowndes will explain how it will improve the way the Council tackles its main strategic issues, such as public health and crime, and how Community Committees can be more involved.
Members are asked to complete , and return at the meeting , the enclosed questionnaire giving their opinions on this subject.
Salford Agreement 2007-10
11Helping Hands

Philip Moss will make a presentation on the Helping Hands Project to which reference was made at the last meeting ( Minute 44 refers).
12Budget Sub - Group.

(a)To consider any recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group on 28th November, 2006,

(b)To note the financial statement as at 20th November , 2006.
Budget Sub Group on 28th November, 2006
the financial statement as at 20th November , 2006.
13Items for Information

(a)Enclosed is a note explaining the various elements of the 2007/08 budget consultation process and how the public can make their views known for consideration by Councillors
(b)The October issue of the Swinton Open Space CA Newsletter is enclosed
(c)Enclosed are details of a commemorative event to mark National Holocaust Memorial Day .One of the events to encorage reflection on the Holocaust will be devised by pupils from Swinton High School Members may wish to be in the audience for this event which will be held at Buile Hill on 25th January , 2007.
Budget consultation process
Oct SOSCA newsletter
14Good News Items

Members will be asked to highlight any matters raised at the meeting which they would like to publicise in the media .
15Any Other Business

(a) Community Representatives may raise any issues of concern to their area or group

(b) Ward Councillors may raise any item not already covered .

So as to ensure that decisions can be taken at the meeting Members are asked to notify items - especially costs - in advance on telephone 793-3008
16Date of Next Meeting : 6pm on Tuesday , 13th February , 2007
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