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Meetings for Environmental, Housing and Planning Scrutiny Committee

DateMonday 17 September 2007
LocationIn a committee room at the civic centre
Item Subject
1Introductions and apologies
2Process for the call-in meeting - Councillor Lightup
3Justification for the call-in - Councillors Owen, Heywood and Ferrer
Justification for the call-in meeting
4Observations from residents
5Response to the justification - Councillor Connor, Reuben Flynn, Eddie Sawford
Record of decision
Response to the call-in justification
6Members of the Environment, Housing and Planning SC to consider the report of the Chief Executive Salix Homes - Part 2. not open to the public
7Recommendation(s) by members of the Environment, Housing and Planning Scrutiny Committee
Contact officer Karen Lucas
Title Principal Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3318
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